I drink three cups of coffee a day, but I worry that all the caffeine could cause erectile dysfunction. Can drinking too much coffee actually caused ED?

For some men, the very idea of starting the day without a piping hot cup of coffee is sacrilege. For these men, coffee is more than just a delicious beverage; it is a cup of courage, there to push you out the door to face the day. But after that first cup comes the second cup when the midday slump hits at 1, followed later by another cup when you begin to burn out around 5. Repeat every day for 30 years.

Coffee is an absolutely vital part of the day for many, but could all this coffee be spelling trouble for your erection? Sure, it wakes you up in the morning, but could it be killing your sex life?

Well good news coffee fiends; regular coffee consumption has not been found to cause erectile dysfunction. Even men on a 20-cup a day habit have nothing to fear, as black coffee does not have erectile killing properties. What’s more, research has found that regular coffee intake can actually reduce a man’s odds of developing erectile dysfunction. So not only is that coffee helping you to make it to work on time; it just might be saving your sex life.

But that is only in relation to black coffee. Men who like to enjoy their coffee sweet could actually be putting their erection at risk by indulging in multiple cups a day.

This is because coffee is sweetened with sugar, and sugar is absolutely not good for a man’s body. By drinking high-sugar coffee several times a day, a man could put himself a risk of developing high blood sugar, which can spiral into full-blown Diabetes. Diabetes is tied to a litany of health issues, including, you guessed it, erectile dysfunction.

So men knocking down black as midnight cups of coffee day in and day out have nothing to fear. But men who enjoy their coffee on the sweet side could be putting themselves at risk of developing erectile issues. Men who just need their coffee should consider switching to black coffee or, at the very least, cutting down on the sugar put into the coffee. It just might make the difference in saving your erection.

Are there any foods that can cause erectile dysfunction?

Men will do just about anything to protect their erection. For many men, the very concept on not being able to stay sexually active is enough to keep them away from vices such as cigarettes and steroids. But what about the food we eat? Even the most erectile-minded man probably only gives minimal thought to the food he’s consuming. Could the food we’re putting in our bodies actually end up being the cause of erectile dysfunction?

Actually, it is possible. Research has found that consistently consuming certain kinds of food do put a man at a higher risk of developing erectile dysfunction. Thankfully, to save your erection and your sex life, we’ve compiled a list of the three food groups you want to avoid to keep your erection happy and healthy.

Fried Foods: While fried food is delicious, it definitely isn’t good for your erection. The oils utilized in frying food have been found to be downright awful for the body, contributing to the development of heart issues, cholesterol problems, and, you guessed it, erectile dysfunction.

Soy: While soy might seem harmless, the truth is that it can cause issues internally in men. This is because consuming soy can actually have an estrogenic effect; meaning that when soy is consumed, estrogen levels rise and your hormones get out of whack. This can cause a decrease in sexual function, which translates into erectile dysfunction.

Canned Foods: Sure, canned food can be convenient, but a chemical known as Bisphenol-A (or BPA) is commonly found in canned foods. This little chemical can inhibit sexual hormones, leading to missed erections, decreased sexual desires, and a litany of sexual issues. Skip the canned variety and opt for fresh.

It might be hard to cut these foods out of your diet, but your erection will thank you. Make smart choices, eat well, and erectile dysfunction will be the last of your worries.

Can erectile dysfunction be caused by a weight gain?

We all try to eat healthy. A couple vegetables here, some whole grains there. But making healthy choices consistently can be hard when temptation from delicious, fatty foods hangs over your head. After all, a bushel of fresh strawberry’s may be nice, but a giant cheeseburger with a milkshake might taste a little better. But making the occasional un-healthy choice isn’t exactly the end of the world; it’s when these unhealthy choices become the only choices a person makes that the alarm bells begin to go off. After all, consistently eating poorly means that a weight gain is on the horizon. And with that weight gain comes a litany of issues, including potential heart problems, circulatory issues, and, yes, erectile dysfunction.

Research has found a strong connection between weight gain and erectile issues. That’s not to say putting on a couple pounds spells the end of your sex life, though. No, erectile dysfunction is more prominent in men who put on large quantities of weight; if a man puts on an additional 50-100 pounds, he is more likely to develop ED.

But it is not the actual weight piling up on your waistline that will cause your erection to suffer. In fact, putting on weight is just the catalyst for erectile dysfunction. As the pounds pack on, the newfound fat in your body can lead to a litany of issues internally, which ultimately affect your erection.

First, weight gain is caused by eating poorly, and these fatty foods bring cholesterol with them. As a man’s cholesterol levels rise, cholesterol deposits will begin to pop up in blood vessels, impeding the flow of blood. This means the body will struggle to supply blood to vital parts of the body, including the penis.

Secondly, weight gain is associated with a decline in testosterone. Testosterone is a vital part of the erection, as it helps to regulate sexual function. As a man’s testosterone levels drop, the body will struggle to supply nitric oxide, a blood vessel dilator necessary for achieving an erection, to the penis, resulting in missed erections and, ultimately, erectile dysfunction.

So it isn’t the newfound weight that will do your sex life in; rather, it’s all the issues that come with that weight. So work to lose those pounds, make positive lifestyle choices, and your erection should be back to normal in no time.

Are there any natural remedies for erectile dysfunction?

When faced like an issue like erectile dysfunction, men will often explore any and all avenues of treatment as they race for a cure. Sure, there are plenty of pills that can help a man to keep his love life alive, but how about a permanent solution? If there isn’t a drug that can help a man to beat erectile dysfunction, surely there must be an all-natural solution that can be used to overcome ED?

Well, yes and no. For those looking for a cure-all plant or herb that can miraculously turn back the hands of time and return a man’s erection to its former glory, well, such a cure-all does not exist. Sure, there are naturally occurring plants, such as the Yohimbe root, that can replicate the results of erectile-assisting drugs such as Viagra. But extensive research has yet to find a ED-beating plant.

But erectile dysfunction can still be beaten naturally; it just takes a little more work. If a man’s ED is physical in nature, caused by eating poorly or drinking too much, it will require some positive lifestyle changes to overcome. Eating a diet rich in fruits and grains can do wonders for the body and blood circulation, while exercising daily and cutting out vices such as cigarettes can help to generally improve your way of live. Physically-induced ED can typically be stomped out at the source by working to improve the body and by continuing to make positive life choices after the ED has gone away.

So, no, there isn’t any wonder plant that will make beating erectile dysfunction easy. But if you’re looking to skip the doctors and pills, just work to improve your lifestyle choices and, in time, your erectile should get back to being its old self.

Is there any way to determine if my erectile disfunction is mental or physical in nature?

It’s finally happened. While you tried so hard to avoid it, you find yourself grappling with erectile dysfunction. You keep racking your brain to find a cause, but you’re just not sure where to assign blame. Could it be the stress from the new project at work? Have you been drinking too much lately? Could something be wrong internally? Just how, you might wonder, can I figure out what is causing my ED?

While the process of determine what malady specifically is causing your erectile dysfunction can be a bit tricky, there is an easy, surefire way to figure if your erectile woes are related to a mental hang-up or a physical issue. You do it in the safety of your own home, and it’s so easy that you can literally do it in your sleep.

This home test will require a roll of stamps, so pick up a batch of adhesive stamps. Once these stamps have been acquired, wait until your bedtime rolls around. When you’re about ready to hit the hay, it’s time to get to work on the test.

Using the stamps, make a complete, uninterrupted circle around the base of your flaccid penis. It’s important not to start the circle too high in the pubic region; it is vital that the stamps are put at the exact base of the penis. Double check to make sure there are no gaps in the circle, and then you’re free to throw on your favorite pair of boxers and go to sleep.

In the morning, check the ring. As the body produces at least one erection every night, if the erectile dysfunction is mental in nature, the ring will be broken, indicating that an erection was achieved. However, if the ring of stamps remains unbroken, this indicates that the root cause of your ED is more than likely physical in nature, as your body was not capable of producing an erection even during sleep.

With this newfound information, you can better approach the treatment of your erectile dysfunction. Work with a health professional to determine the best way to overcome your specific brand of ED, and you should be back to normal in no time.

I like to enjoy an alcoholic drink with dinner every night. Could I be potentially be putting myself at risk of developing erectile dysfunction?

Alcohol can do a lot for a man. It can convince you that you’re a great dancer. It can give you the courage to talk to that cute person across the bar. It can convince you that belting out “Living On A Prayer” at karaoke is a really great idea. For some, the temporary ego boost that comes with consuming a couple drinks is a nice feeling every once in a while. But for some men, drinking becomes a necessity. For these men, drinking is a part of the daily routine, and they find it difficult to function properly without a couple boozy drinks throughout the day. This kind of lifestyle not only puts a man on a fast track for an early grave; it can also ruin your sex life.

That’s not to say that a drink with dinner is going to ensure that erectile dysfunction is looming in your future. Like all things in life, alcohol is best enjoyed in moderation, so a small drink with dinner isn’t the end of the world. But when that one drink grows into five drinks every night, that is an entirely different story.

Research has found that men that chronically use alcohol have a 60 to 70 percent higher chance of developing erectile dysfunction. This is because constant drinking can lead to issues internally for the erection. When a man is dependent on alcohol, the body will struggle to consistently achieve an erection. Furthermore, chronic drinking can lead to testicular atrophy, which shrinks a man’s sperm count and can even potentially render him impotent.

So, no, a little libation with a meal does not spell the end of your erection. But when alcohol becomes a necessity for a man, erectile dysfunction will surely follow. Either cut out drinking entirely, or learn how to drink in moderation, and you should be able to save your erection.

Can not brushing your teeth daily cause erectile dysfunction?

Mornings can be so hectic. Between hopping in the shower, whipping up coffee, and scrambling to get your clothes on, sometimes important things can fall to the wayside. Odds are, you’ve been so caught up in getting ready for the day that when you finally rush out the door, you’ve forgotten to brush your teeth. While such a situation happens to the best of us, there are some men that place dental hygiene in the “doesn’t matter” category, opting to skip twice-daily brushing for brushing when there is time. But while winter fresh breath might not matter to all men, there is one thing on which all men rely: A reliable erection. And by not brushing regularly, you could be putting your erection at risk.

It works like this: Brushing helps to keep your teeth strong, sure, but it also benefits your gums. Regular brushing keeps your gums healthy and strong, allowing your gums to stave off infection and keep harmful irritants at bay. But when a man skimps on brushing, the gums can begin to experience issues. Without brushing, the gums will grow weak, which opens the gums to possibly becoming inflamed.

Inflamed gums are the body’s immune response to internal issues within the gums, as the body sends immune cells to fight back against the harmful pathogens that collect in the mouth as a result of bad oral hygiene. Problem is, these pathogens can actually seep into the blood stream, causing blood vessel damage over time. As the vessels become damaged, blood flow will be hampered. As blood flow is hampered, the body will struggle to provide the requisite blood to the penis for an erection, leading to, you guessed it, erectile dysfunction.

So, while these two issues could not seem more unrelated, the truth is quite the opposite. Brush twice daily to keep your teeth and gums happy and healthy, to stave off pathogens, and to keep your erection working like it should.

I suspect my erectile dysfunction is a result of anxiety during sex. How can I tell if my erectile dysfunction is an anxiety based issue or something else?

Hopping into bed with a new partner can be downright nerve wracking. You have to learn a whole new guidelines of do’s and don’ts, all while ensuring that you do a good enough job between the sheets that this new partner will want to see you again. For some men, these new benchmarks prove to be just too much, leading to anxious feelings over sex. These anxious feelings can prevent the body from achieving an erection, leading to the man believing that he may be dealing with erectile dysfunction. But is this erectile issue brought on by anxiety over sex? Or could it be the result of another issue entirely?

Well, anxiety-based erectile dysfunction is all in your head. When anxious feelings cloud the brain, it can block crucial signals, such as those sent to alert the brain that its time to achieve an erection. This anxiety can fade when the man is not in an intercourse situation, so it’s quite easy to determine if the erectile dysfunction is a result of anxiety: Test to see when you can achieve an erection.

Oftentimes, anxiety-induced ED will not be an issue for a man when he is masturbating. If a man can achieve an erection on his own, this is a strong indicator that the root cause of the ED is psychological in nature and is related to sex.

However, if a man attempts to masturbate and still struggles to achieve an erection, it is possible that the cause is either another psychological hang-up altogether (i.e. guilt, depression, etc.), or that the erectile dysfunction is caused by a physical issue.

If you suspect that your ED is a result of sex anxiety, see if an erection is possible via masturbation. If not, explore potential causes and speak with a health professional to figure out a way to overcome your erectile issues.

Can numbing cream help a man with premature ejaculation to last longer in bed?

When it comes to premature ejaculation, a man can feel downright hopeless about his odds of overcoming the issue. Even though men with premature ejaculation tend to explore over possible solution, they continue to struggle to last long between the sheets. This can leave men searching for a definitive way to beat this embarrassing problem. If the stop-and-go technique doesn’t do anything for you, and breathing exercises feel useless, consider investing in numbing cream.

In the world of sex, numbing cream has itself a bit of a bad reputation. Men tend to see it as something only used by sex addicts, while women tend to view the cream in a similar light as Viagra. But the truth is that numbing cream is not used exclusively by sex addicts, nor does it have the erectile properties of Viagra. Rather, it is a topical cream that can prove extremely helpful to men that struggle with premature ejaculation.

When applied to the penis, numbing cream gets to work numbing the sexual nerves. With these orgasm-inducing nerves numbed, the man is free to engage in sexual activity without fear of reaching the point of no return too quickly.

Research has found that men with premature ejaculation tend to last several minutes longer when utilizing numbing cream during sex. That’s not to say that numbing cream will turn a man into a sexual dynamo able to last for hours; instead, it will just help men to last a little bit longer than they normally would.

So if you struggle with premature ejaculation, numbing cream is a smart investment. With numbing cream, sex can go from an embarrassing, over-too-quickly affair to the passionate, fun experience it should be.

Can eating too much sugary food cause a man to develop erectile dysfunction?

Your alarm goes off. After you speed through shaving and a shower, you set aside a couple precious moments to sit down and enjoy a cup of coffee swimming in cream and a nice, big bowl of sugary cereal. After you scarf down breakfast, you rush off to work, where you will later consume more sugary coffee. Repeat Monday through Friday for 30 years. Sure, having a sugary coffee or a bowl of Chocolate Choco Flakes every once in a while isn’t the end of the world. But can continually exposing your body to sugar lead to issues down the line? Could it lead to you developing erectile dysfunction?

Well, it’s not the sugar that could potentially do your erection in. Rather, it’s what the sugar can cause that men should be afraid of. You see, a diet rich in sugar and fat is a quick way to develop diabetes, which is so much more than occasionally having to prick your finger for a blood check.

Type II Diabetes is the development of diabetes through poor lifestyle choices, and it can affect your daily life in a litany of ways. In addition to changing your diet, diabetes can put a serious damper on your sex life. This is because type II diabetes changes your typically healthy blood into a new concoction dubbed O-GlcNAc blood. This type of blood requires constant supervision to ensure that the blood sugar levels within the body remain level. Should the blood sugar levels in a man’s blood fluctuate, the blood can actually interfere with a vital step in the erectile process.

Sugar high blood hampers the production of nitric oxide within the body, which is required to alert the penile smooth muscles that it is time to get to work and produce an erection. Without this NO, the penis cannot physically get erect, even with a steady supply of blood. If blood sugar levels continue to stay at an unhealthy level, it can lead to internal issues that can make a temporary issue like erectile dysfunction permanent.

So, no, sugary foods in and of itself will not cause your erection to up and die. But the diabetes that can develop as a result of eating too much sugary food certainly can. Eat healthy and make positive lifestyle choices and your erection should be just fine.