When a man hears about an erectile aid such as Viagra, it sounds like a miracle pill that will do what nature can’t. With all the hype surrounding the drug, you would think that Viagra would turn you into an insatiable sex machine that can last for days. Because Viagra is seen as a wonder drug for sex, many men consider investing in a bottle of the little blue pills, even if they don’t suffer from erectile dysfunction. “After all,” the think, “it doesn’t hurt to have a little help in the bedroom, right?” But is this true, or is taking Viagra without a prescription possibly dangerous?
Well, first, let’s clear up a misconception: Viagra is not a wonder drug that turns you into a sexual dynamo. Rather, it simply aids the body in achieving an erection. The erection is not instantaneous, and must be achieved the old fashioned way, i.e. through stimulation. Once you reach orgasm, your erection will subside, just like normal.
So if you’re considering Viagra solely as a means of improving your sexual performance, you will be seriously disappointed,
But that’s not to say that Viagra can’t be helpful for men that don’t suffer from erectile dysfunction. As long as a man takes a small dosage, such as 25 to 50 mg, Viagra can help exponentially in the bedroom. If you occasionally struggle to achieve an erection, an occasional Viagra pill can help aid your erection strength and ensure that you have no problem performing.
If you are seriously considering Viagra, it would be wise to speak to a doctor before making a decision. But if you’re simply looking for a safety net for the occasional missed erection, a low dosage of Viagra may be just what you’re looking for.