Is it true that invasive cancer surgery can cause erectile dysfunction?

Surgery requires a steady hand, nerves of steel, and patience. When everything goes correctly, going under the knife can lead to complete changes in health for a person, and can often be the line between life and death. But surgery is still performed by humans, and humans aren’t perfect. Occasionally, a hand will slip or a scalpel will falter, and this can lead to new issues within the body. If you recently underwent invasive surgery and you find it difficult to achieve an erection, these issues could be related.

That’s not to say that going in to get your tonsils removed could spell certain death for your erection. Surgery-related ED tends to develop almost exclusively from surgery related to the removal of cancers. As cancer removal surgery typically requires lots of poking and prodding around vital nerves and vessels, it is high risk. Should the surgery be situated in the pelvis or lower section of the body, this puts the surgeon in close quarters to the nerves and vessels that lead to the penis. If these vitals should be nicked or poked, this could translate into the body being unable to supply the signals or blood to the penis necessary for an erection, translating into erectile dysfunction.

The four most common ED-inducing surgeries are:

• Radical prostatectomy
• Radical cystectomy
• Abdominoperineal resection
• Total pelvic exenteration

If you’ve undergone these surgeries, or are preparing to undergo these surgeries, talk to your doctor about potential solutions for ED. Vessel and nerve injury can typically be repaired, meaning your erection should return, but it might take a bit of ED drugs and patience before your erection goes back to normal.

Can poor oral hygiene lead to erectile dysfunction?

Think of the body as a great big jigsaw puzzle. All the tiny pieces fit together to form one complete thing. When constructing a jigsaw puzzle, even the pieces that seem like they wouldn’t work together ultimately come together to allow you to finish. Such is the case with the human body. All these various, seemingly unrelated parts can play vital roles in each other. So, as odd as it might sound, your oral hygiene really can affect your ability to achieve an erection.

In a study published in the Journal of Sex and Medicine, researchers revealed that poor oral hygiene can lead to erectile dysfunction. Namely, the development of periodontitis can serve as the death knell for your erection. Periodontitis is a gum disease which causes inflammation in the mouth, leading to the gums pulling away from the teeth, creating pockets in the mouth that can harbor bacteria. This bacteria can then weasel its way into the body, where it can damage the endothelial cells, which forms the protective lining on your blood vessels. This bacteria tends to attack the smaller blood vessels first, and some of the smallest blood vessels in your body lead directly to the penis. When these vessels are attacked, it can effect blood flow, which effects the bodies ability to supply blood to various parts of the body, which leads to blood not reaching the penis, which translates to erectile dysfunction.

So there you have it. In a roundabout way, not looking after your gums can lead to troubles in the sheets. If you’ve been dealing with gum swelling or oral pain, speak to your dentist and work to get to the bottom of the issue. If left unchecked, it could ultimately lead to your erection paying the price.

Can I take my erectile dysfunction drug with alcohol?

The great thing about sex is that it can be so spontaneous. One moment you’re sharing a drink with your partner, the next you’re slipping between the sheets. Alcohol has a way of loosening people up, which can certainly up the chances of spontaneity. So if you’re dealing with erectile dysfunction, the day may come when you find yourself ready to knock boots after a couple drinks. But you know you’re going to need your ED medication to get things in working order downstairs. Would it be the worst thing in the world to take one little ED pill with your beer?

While it may sound harmless, mixing erectile dysfunction drugs and alcohol can be a recipe for disaster. Like any medication, mixing an ED drug and large quantities of alcohol can lead to internal issues such as diarrhea and vomiting. If that doesn’t scare you off, if you drink a lot and then pop an ED drug, the odds are good that the drug may not even work, effectively putting you out a pill and a night of fun.

But that’s not to say that erectile dysfunction medication can’t be taken the moment a drop of alcohol has passed your lips. Research has found that light to moderate alcohol consumption will not ultimately effect the ability to properly process erectile dysfunction medication. In fact, a study published in Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics found no adverse reactions between consuming Viagra with a glass of red wine.

So, if you’re thinking about drinking and it seems as though sex may lay in your future, keep your drinking in check. A little bit won’t hurt you, but too much and your night of lovemaking may be ruined.

Can kegel exercises help with erectile dysfunction?

When you hear the term “kegel exercises,” it probably elicits images of pregnant women with beach ball-sized stomachs huffing and puffing as they perform unseen exercises. While it is true that kegel exercises have historically been associated with soon-to-be mothers, the truth is that kegel exercises can help with a variety of issues, including erectile dysfunction.

The reason that kegel exercises are so prominent with pregnant women is due to the fact that these workouts help to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, which can make pushing out a child easier. These same muscles also regulate urinary flow and play a prominent role in achieving an erection. The bulbocavernosus muscle is found in the pelvic floor, and it is this muscles job to regulate blood flow to the penis and to assist in pumping during ejaculation. Oftentimes, ED can develop as a result of blood struggling to reach the penis. With kegel exercises, the bulbocavernosus can be toned, allowing the body to quickly and easily get the necessary blood for an erection.

The beauty of kegel exercises is that, once you’ve figured them out, you can do them practically anywhere. Kegel exercises are essentially tensing and relaxing this muscle group on your pelvic floor, and is typically done in sets. You locate this muscle group by stopping your stream mid-ways during urination. Feel that tightness? That’s your bulbocavernosus muscle.

To perform kegel exercises, squeeze this muscle, hold it for five seconds, and then relax. Repeat this 15 times, two or three times a day. Initially, you’ll find you need to do this while sitting down or laying on the ground. As you get better at it, you can do it during meetings, in the car, or while watching TV.

If you find yourself struggling to achieve an erection, kegel exercises may be the answer to your prayers. Work out a kegel regimen, and your erection should be back to normal in no time.

How long does it take for an erectile dysfunction drug to work?

Everyone understands the general concept of erectile dysfunction drugs: If you can’t achieve an erection, you take a little pill, and suddenly you can achieve an erection. It sounds relatively straightforward, but when it finally comes time to pop that little pill, there may some lingering questions. Namely, just how long are you going to be waiting around for this pill to get to work?

Well, the answer to this question isn’t uniform. You see, there are several brands of erectile dysfunction drugs on the market, and they all work differently. Some are designed to last longer, some are designed to work quicker; the all-important “when” varies from drug to drug.

For instance, for that little blue pill Viagra, it typically takes about 60 minutes for the effects to take hold. Alternatively, Cialis tends to take about 45 minutes to kick in, but this timeline can be shortened to about 15 minutes if the pill is taken on an empty stomach. Next up, Stendra usually takes about 30 minutes to get to work. Finally, both Levitra and Staxyn clock in around 25 minutes for effects.

So, the difference between the various brands isn’t night and day, but it these little variances in time might be important to you. As such, it’s important to determine which ED drug best suit your needs, and that includes effect time. Just make sure to take your ED drug at the right time, and you’ll be ready for a romp between the sheets.

It’s my first time using Viagra. How much should I take?

When it finally comes time to pop one of those little blue pills, it can be downright nerve-wracking. Sure, you’re obviously keenly aware of just what it is that Viagra does, but it’s the other aspects of the drug that are sending your head spinning. After all, now that Viagra is going to help to bring your erection back from the dead, the last thing you want to do is take too little and ruin the whole night. So you stand staring at the bottle wondering just how much is going to be enough.

Thankfully, this is an easy answer to deduce: However much your doctor tells you to take, and not a milligram more. Rest assured, however much Viagra you take, odds are it will probably work. When you first start taking Viagra, it is common for the doctor to prescribe a 50mg dose. The minimum prescribable dosage of Viagra is 25mg, and this is typically reserved for men with very mild erectile issues.

Whatever dosage you’ve been given, its imperative that you take it correctly. Viagra should be ingested 30 to 60 minutes before engaging in sexual activity, to give the drug ample time to take effect. When taking Viagra, avoid alcohol and make sure to take the pill on a relatively empty stomach. Additionally, don’t expect immediate results; Viagra just tells your erection it’s time to get work. You’ll need to wake it up the old fashioned way.

Click here to find out if you can take Viagra with food.

As long as you take the prescribed dosage and make sure the drug is taken properly, your first night with Viagra should go swimmingly. Stop focusing on the mechanics of how to take the Viagra and get back to focusing on your night of fun with your partner.

Could my erectile dysfunction be a warning sign of something worse?

Erectile dysfunction. Just the term is enough to send shivers down a man’s spine. After all, suddenly losing the ability to achieve an erection can be one of the scariest things to happen to a man, and the thought of never being able to consistently get your little guy up again can leave men shaking in their boots. But while ED might be scary, it certainly isn’t deadly. But it can serve as a warning sign for issues within your body that could ultimately prove lethal.

While ED doesn’t have any true warning signs for its arrival, erectile dysfunction can serve as a red flag for other internal issues. As the erection depends upon steady blood flow, when ED rears its ugly head it can sometimes be seen as a warning sign for cardiovascular issues. Cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis (also known as the hardening of the arteries), high blood pressure, and heart disease can all impede blood flow, which translates into the body being unable to supply the penis with blood, which means no erections.

That’s not to say every man with erectile dysfunction has cardiovascular issues, and vice versa. But if a man finds himself unable to achieve an erection time and time again, it would be wise to visit a doctor and get a check-up to make sure everything internally is working like it should.

While losing your erection can be scary and embarrassing, it may be the wake up call you need to catch potentially fatal cardiovascular issues before they get worse. So, in a roundabout way, your erectile dysfunction may end up saving your life.

Can snoring lead to erectile dysfunction?

Snoring and the inability to achieve an erection. These two issues may seem as if they couldn’t be further from each other. After all, when you struggle to achieve an erection, it’s typically due to a health issue or a psychological hang up of some kind. How could sawing logs in your sleep be even remotely connected to your erectile health?

While it may sound crazy, it’s actually true: Your snoring can play a vital role in the health of your erection. That’s not to say the occasional snore is a reason to panic and invest in some Viagra. No, snoring and ED really only come into play when a man is suffering from sleep apnea.

Sleep apnea is essentially snoring on steroids. Men with sleep apnea snore so hard that it actually disrupts breathing, and these “breathing pauses” can lead to issues within the body. If a man goes untreated with sleep apnea for a long period of time, this lack of oxygen can affect a man’s libido. When a man’s libido is affected, this can lead to problems achieving an erection.

And there you have it: Sleep apnea snoring really can lead to erectile issues. Thankfully, sleep apnea connected ED is one of the easiest forms of ED to get rid of. To beat your erectile dysfunction issues, simply go to the source and deal with your sleep apnea. There are various treatment options for men with sleep apnea, both of the therapy and medicinal variety, that can help to keep sleep apnea in check. Talk to your doctor about what method might be best for you, and with time you should see your erection return to its former glory.

Can hypnosis help me to beat erectile dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction can be scary, as it can oftentimes develop seemingly overnight and can lead to feelings of helplessness in the men afflicted with it. When ED rears its ugly head, many men will begin to scramble to find a way to overcome the dreaded ailment. Some will turn to medication, but others might want a more natural way to trump their erectile woes. There are plenty of roots and twigs that people claim can help to regain an erection, but one of the oldest erectile dysfunction reversing techniques on the planet is hypnosis.

Yes, while many typically associate hypnosis with lackluster magic acts, there are many that believe the art of hypnosis can cure what ails you. The logic is that hypnosis mines the furthest depths of a person’s mind and can help them to discover subconscious blocks that are preventing them from developing an erection. Wipe away that block and, theoretically, your erection should return to normal. Certainly a little out there, but the logic is sound, right?

Unfortunately, there has been no conclusive evidence found that hypnosis can truly eliminate erectile dysfunction. That’s not to say that hypnosis is not without it’s benefits; it’s been found that hypnosis can help to overcome deep-seated fears and phobias. But what it can’t do is save your erection.

If you’re dealing with ED, turn to medical science. Extensive study has not yet found a true natural cure-all for erectile dysfunction, but there are plenty of medications that can help you to overcome your problem. Talk to your doctor about the best solutions for your ED.

Can a lack of sleep cause erectile dysfunction?

It seems like every night as of late has been filled with plenty of tossing and turning, leading to bleary eyes and yawns a plenty the next morning. You’ve tried every trick in the book, but you just can’t seem to fall asleep. Sleeping pills help, but you wake up the next morning sluggish and useless. You’re about ready to throw up your hands and embrace your life as a night owl.

But you’ve begun to notice that your less-than-stellar sleep schedule has been effecting other aspects of your life. You find yourself fighting to stay awake in meetings, you struggle to connect with your partner, and you find yourself growing distant from friends. But worst of all might be your newfound problems in the bedroom. Ever since your sleep issues developed, you’ve struggled to achieve an erection during sex. You’ve never had erectile issues before, so you’re stumped as to why it’s happening now. Can your sleeping habits really affect your erection?

Odd as it may sound, your inability to fall asleep can actually dictate your ability to achieve an erection. While these two issues may seem unconnected, the truth is that a lack of sleep truly can lead to changes within you on a physical level. When you don’t get the sleep your body needs, your body amps up production of a hormone known as cortisol. Cortisol is typically produced in response to stress, but too much of it can actually lead to a dip in your testosterone. When your testosterone levels drop, your libido suffers, which in turn affects your ability to achieve an erection.

So yes, if you’re struggling to get a full nights sleep, it may ultimately take its toll on your erection. Speak to your doctor about your sleep issues and figure out a way around them, and your erection should be just fine.