Are there any at-home tests I can perform to determine if I have erectile dysfunction?

So, it’s happened; you went to get down to business with your partner between the sheets, but your little guy won’t stand at attention. It’s the first time you’ve had such an issue, so you’re left wondering if you’ve got a full-blown problem. Maybe you had too much to drink? Maybe it’s just not your night? Surely, there must be a way to determine if you’ve got erectile dysfunction?

Thankfully, erectile health experts have devised a relatively easy test that can be performed in the comfort of your own home that can determine if you’ve got erectile dysfunction. And for men worrying that the test will require expensive kits or pricey specialized items, worry not. It only requires a simple roll of stamps.

Pick up a standard issue roll of stamps from your local grocery store, and you’re ready to go. This test is performed while you are asleep, so set aside the stamps until bedtime. When it’s time to hit the hay, grab the stamps and use them to make an unbroken ring around the base of your penis. Sure, it sounds odd, but make sure the ring is well and truly unbroken, and it’s imperative that it is set up at the base of your penis, as setting it too high could lead to the ring breaking and ruining the test.

Once this ring has been set, go to sleep normally. The next morning, it’s time to check the ring. If the ring is broken, this indicates that your body subconsciously achieved an erection while you slept. A man’s body produces at least one erection while sleeping, so if your body can still achieve an erection, this indicates that your erectile woes could be due to a mental hang-up or could be a one-time thing.

But if the ring remains unbroken, that means your body cannot physically achieve an erection, even while unconscious, which is a solid indicator that you have developed erectile dysfunction.

After conducting this test, it would be wise to speak to a medical professional, so you determine the best way to move forward with your issue.

Are people with diabetes at a higher risk of developing erectile dysfunction?

Men afflicted with diabetes already have a laundry list of things they need to watch to ensure their issue doesn’t get the better of them. These men have to watch sugar intake, fat intake, and carb intake, all while keeping a close eye on their blood sugar levels. Life with diabetes can be a handful, but it can be even worse if the diabetes is not handled properly. When a man consistently spikes his blood sugar levels, this can lead to other issues developing within the body, including erectile dysfunction.

While your blood sugar levels and the ability to achieve an erection don’t sound like they would have any relation, the truth is that blood sugar can make it impossible for your body to achieve an erection. When a diabetic man does not regulate his blood sugar levels, this can lead to blood sugar levels rising, which in turn can lead to the nerves and blood vessels that ferry this blood to becoming damaged. When these nerves and vessels are damaged, the body struggles to provide the body with blood. In the body, the smallest vessels and nerves are typically the first affected, and one of the smallest collections of vessels and nerves leads directly to the penis. With this cluster damaged, the penis is cut off from consistent blood flow, which translates into erectile dysfunction.

But that’s not to say that all men with diabetes should resign themselves to the inevitability of erectile dysfunction. By keeping tabs on your blood sugar levels and living a healthy, fulfilling life, you won’t have to worry about your blood sugar rising considerably and doing long term damage. It’s a chore to keep an eye on your blood sugar levels, but the occasional inconvenience of pricking yourself for a sample is much better than losing the ability to achieve an erection.

I recently found myself unable to achieve an erection for the first time. Do I have erectile dysfunction?

When a man suddenly finds himself unable to achieve an erection, panic sets in. After all, everything seemed a-okay downstairs yesterday, and yet, out of nowhere, your little guy won’t follow orders and stand at attention. Sure, this is the first time it’s happened, but one time is enough. You’re convinced you have erectile dysfunction, and you’re normally going to be able to achieve an erection normally again.

Okay, take a deep breath and take a step back. While erectile dysfunction can begin with an initial inability to achieve an erection, missing one erection should not be seen as the end of the world. If you’ve had an erectile incident and you’re worried that you may have ED, remember: Erectile dysfunction is defined as the reoccurring inability to achieve an erection.

Thus, one missed erection is not a sure sign that you’re dealing with erectile dysfunction. Though it’s not something you’ll hear your friends discussing in casual conversation, all men will experience an erectile issue at some point in their life. But it’s only when it becomes a repeated problem should there be cause for concern.

So, if you had an off night and found yourself struggling to achieve an erection, you can write it off as a bad night. But if it begins to happen consistently, speak to a doctor and together you can determine what is causing the issue.

How do I tell my partner that I have erectile dysfunction?

Your partner may have noticed that your love making sessions have been ending abruptly as of late, and questions are beginning to develop. You’ve managed to avoid the conversation by saying that work has been stressful or that you’ve got a headache, but you’ll only be able to avoid the conversation for so long. It’s time to face facts: You’re dealing with erectile dysfunction, and your partner deserves to know.

While most men feel as though erectile dysfunction is an issue that really only affects the man afflicted with it, the truth is that ED can take its toll on both partners. When you remove sex from a relationship, feelings of resentment can develop, and if left unaddressed, this could potentially lead to cracks developing in your relationship.

When you finally broach the topic, make sure to reinforce that it is not your partner’s fault. Your partner may feel responsible for your ED, and it’s important to establish that no blame can be assigned for this issue. When dealing with ED, it’s important to have a support system to turn to, so if you play the blame game you could end up losing your biggest supporter.

Make sure to address that your ED is not indicative of your feelings for your partner. Oftentimes, ED can be seen as a sign of waning feelings in a relationship, but the truth is that ED is typically caused by physical issues, not mental ones. Stress that erectile dysfunction can be a scary for a man, and you’ll need your partner to remain strong while you deal with this issue.

While the ED conversation will be awkward, it’s a conversation you need to have. Your partner won’t leave you, your relationship won’t fall apart, and your partner won’t think less of you. Work towards the problem together and your erectile health should eventually return to normal.

What are the symptoms of erectile dysfunction?

You’ve always considered yourself sexually active. Knocking boots has never proven difficult, and you’d like to think that you’re pretty good at it, too. But as of late you’ve found that it’s become a little harder to get an erection. When it comes time to get down to business, your little guy won’t stand at attention, leaving you embarrassed and your partner disappointed. But you’re sure this isn’t a real issue. Maybe your body is just feeling a little off, and you chalk up the incident to a rare occurrence. But then you begin to worry. Could it truly be erectile dysfunction? Are their symptoms to determine if it’s erectile dysfunction?

Unlike other health issues, erectile dysfunction doesn’t herald its presence with a fever or aching joints. No, there’s really only one way to know if you have erectile dysfunction: If you can’t get an erection. As a general rule of thumb, “erectile dysfunction” is defined as the inability to achieve an erection more than 25% of the time. This doesn’t mean you need to keep a tally sheet to determine if you’ve got ED; if you find yourself consistently struggling to get an erection, odds are its due to ED.

Erectile dysfunction can also be tied to a low sex drive. If you’ve noticed that your desire to be sexually active has diminished and you can’t get your little guy to stand at attention, this could be due to low testosterone levels.

If you’re looking to little quirks and signs to predict ED, you’re out of luck. But if you suspect you may be dealing with erectile dysfunction, make an appointment with your doctor to figure out the cause and how you can overcome it.
You’ve always considered yourself sexually active. Knocking boots has never proven difficult, and you’d like to think that you’re pretty good at it, too. But as of late you’ve found that it’s become a little harder to get an erection. When it comes time to get down to business, your little guy won’t stand at attention, leaving you embarrassed and your partner disappointed. But you’re sure this isn’t a real issue. Maybe your body is just feeling a little off, and you chalk up the incident to a rare occurrence. But then you begin to worry. Could it truly be erectile dysfunction? Are their symptoms to determine if it’s erectile dysfunction?

Unlike other health issues, erectile dysfunction doesn’t herald its presence with a fever or aching joints. No, there’s really only one way to know if you have erectile dysfunction: If you can’t get an erection. As a general rule of thumb, “erectile dysfunction” is defined as the inability to achieve an erection more than 25% of the time. This doesn’t mean you need to keep a tally sheet to determine if you’ve got ED; if you find yourself consistently struggling to get an erection, odds are its due to ED.

Erectile dysfunction can also be tied to a low sex drive. If you’ve noticed that your desire to be sexually active has diminished and you can’t get your little guy to stand at attention, this could be due to low testosterone levels.

If you’re looking to little quirks and signs to predict ED, you’re out of luck. But if you suspect you may be dealing with erectile dysfunction, make an appointment with your doctor to figure out the cause and how you can overcome it.

Can poor dental hygiene lead to erectile dysfunction?

If you’ve noticed that it’s become an uphill battle to achieve an erection, you may be wondering what could have lead to this predicament. You live an active lifestyle, you eat well, work hasn’t been particularly stressful, you don’t feel depressed; no matter how you look at it, there doesn’t appear to be anything that could cause erectile dysfunction. But your erectile woes may be coming from the last place you’d expect: your mouth.

Yes, though they may be on completely opposite sides of your body, it turns out that the state of your mouth can play a vital role in the health of your erection. More specifically, it’s your gums that can lead to ED.

But how could your gums be connected to the state of your erection? It all boils down to inflammation. When you don’t take care of your gums, they can become tender and irritable, which is caused by inflammation. This inflammation typically stays constrained to the gums and teeth, but the bacteria caused by inflammation can sometimes seep into the blood stream. When introduced into the bloodstream, these bacteria can lead to the blood vessels becoming damaged. When the blood vessels become damaged, blood flow is impeded, which can lead to functions that rely upon steady blood, such as the erection, to be affected. These bacteria tend to affect the smaller blood vessels first, which includes the group of blood vessels that lead to the penis. Once damaged, these blood vessels can’t properly supply the penis with blood, preventing erections from developing.

So there you have it. If you don’t look after your gums, your erection could end up paying the price. Look after your mouth, brush twice every day, floss, and practice good dental hygiene, and your blood vessels and erection will thank you.

How does Viagra work?

You’ve finally decided to bite the bullet and do something about your erectile dysfunction. You’ve done plenty of research and soul searching, and it’s beginning to look like Viagra is your best bet. But while you know that Viagra is designed to help achieve an erection, you’re a little fuzzy on the details. What should you expect when you take Viagra? How exactly does it work?

Viagra is no miracle pill, sent from on high to bring your erection back to its former glory. It is medication, and it requires some help. Popping a Viagra pill does not result in an instantaneous erection. Viagra just helps your body to achieve the erection; to get that erection in the first place, you’ll need to do it the old fashioned way. As such, Viagra is only effective when sexually aroused, so you need to make you’ve got the blood pumping when it comes time to take the pill.

Once ingested, Viagra gets to work on helping your body to coax an erection out. This is accomplished by inhibiting an enzyme known as phosphodiesterase type 5 (or PDE-5, if you’re into the whole brevity thing.) PDE-5 is an important part of the erection process, but too much of it leads to the muscle group in the penis being unable to relax. When this muscle group can’t relax, this prevents blood from being supplied to the penis, which in turn prevents erections.

As such, Viagra works by inhibiting PDE-5 and amping up blood flow. When done in conjunction, this allows your penis muscles to relax and blood to quickly reach the penis, resulting in an erection.

Can medication cause erectile dysfunction?

When you’ve got an issue, it’s not unusual for your doctor to write up a prescription and send you on your merry way. While this new prescription may help you with one issue, it can sometimes lead to entirely different issues developing. These side effects are common, and they can develop in a variety of ways. Some medications will cause you to break out in bumps, while others while lessen your appetite, while others still can actually lead to you developing erectile dysfunction.

Yes, the medication you ingest can actually lead to problems developing with your penis. There is no uniform reason for ED developing from these medications, as some meds might affect the nerves that control the erection, while others may affect blood flow. While the reasons vary, the results are all the same: Your initial issue may get better, but your erection will pay the price.

There are many drugs on the market that can lead to ED, including blood pressure medication, antidepressants, antihistamines, and Parkinson’s disease medication. That’s not to say that getting a prescription for one of these drugs is a guarantee of erectile issues developing. These side effects can affect people for various issues, but they don’t affect everyone.

If you’ve recently started taking a new medication and you find yourself struggling to achieve an erection, talk to your doctor. It’s very possible this new drug is causing issues with your erection, and a simple change of prescriptions can fix this problem.

Can biking too much really lead to erectile dysfunction?

It sounds like an old wives tale, but you’ve heard it so many times that you’re beginning to wonder if the rumor has any truth to it. Word is that bicycling too much can actually lead to a man developing erectile dysfunction. You aren’t quite sure how that would work, but you’ve had several friends swear up and down that regular biking can lead to problems downstairs.

Well, they’re not entirely wrong. Yes, it has been found that biking regularly can lead to erectile dysfunction, but its not like hopping on your bike every so often and taking it for a spin will spell the death of your erection. In fact, even if you bike every day, that doesn’t mean your erection is doomed. When it comes to biking and erectile dysfunction, it’s all about what you’re working with.

When you bike, you bear your weight on a bundle of nerves and arteries that are responsible for carrying blood to the penis. If you have a hard, unforgiving seat, this can lead to this bundle of nerves and arteries becoming damaged, which can affect your body’s ability to supply your penis with blood, which equates to missed erections.

However, if you switch up your hard seat for something softer that conforms to the shape of your body, you can avoid this health hazard. By investing in a seat that doesn’t hurt that vital nerve and artery damage, you can ensure that regular bike riding won’t pose any threat to your erection.

So if you ride regularly, or even if you ride once in a while, invest in a confortable seat that works with your body. Elsewise, you might one day find yourself having issues in the bedroom, and you’ll have nothing to blame but your bike.

Are there any at-home remedies for erectile dysfunction?

When confronted with a sudden inability to achieve an erection, most men will panic. After all, after a lifetime of erections, suddenly struggling to get your little guy to stand at attention is downright scary. After the initial panic wears off, you’ll need to figure out how to beat your newfound erectile issues. While you’ve heard of all the drugs on the market, you’ve always tried to adhere to a “natural” approach to life. After all, why turn to drugs when there’s perfectly good roots, leaves, and herbs that can do the same thing?

Unfortunately, when it comes to erectile dysfunction, the natural solution is kind of off the table. While erectile dysfunction can often be defeated with regular exercise, a healthy diet, and positive lifestyle changes, there doesn’t exist a naturally occurring solution to ED.

Many all-natural proponents will tell you that Mother Nature produces different potential solutions for ED, the truth is that these natural solutions are not fully understood. Proposed natural solutions such a yohimbe bark and stinging nettle root may offer temporary help, but they won’t outright fix your issue.

When dealing with erectile dysfunction, tried and true medication and positive lifestyle changes are your best bets for beating the issue. Feel free to incorporate natural solutions into your regiment, but remember that natural solutions alone won’t help you to buck ED.