Is erectile dysfunction hereditary?

You’ve always been healthy. Whether it was from exercising daily or eating only the healthiest foods, you’ve always looked after your body. You’re also free of stress, anxiety, or depression, so you like to think that you keep a healthy mind, too.

Then why, you might wonder, are you dealing with erectile dysfunction? You’ve combed over the list of potential causes, and nothing relates to you. You aren’t on any new medication, so that can’t be the cause of your erectile woes. In a moment of panic you start to wonder if perhaps you’re just destined to deal with ED. Maybe, you wonder, it’s simply genetics?

Not quiet. While there are several health ailments that can be inherited through heredity that can lead to erectile dysfunction, ED itself is not a hereditary disease. Medical issues such as diabetes and heart disease are commonly hereditary ailments, and both have been linked to erectile dysfunction. But erectile issues aren’t passed from generation to generation.

However, some experts believe that there are certain genes that can be inherited that make a man more susceptible to erectile dysfunction. These experts suggest that certain gene variables have been linked to high risks of ED developing, and that these genes can be passed from father to son. However, this study is still ongoing, and nothing has been established as of yet.

So while there is the possibility that your genes have dictated your erectile health, it’s likely that your ED isn’t a hereditary issue. You also won’t have to worry about your bedroom issues being passed through your family line, so push that thought out of your mind.

Odds are, if you’re dealing with ED, there’s an underlying cause, though it may not always be obvious. But the solution does not lie in your genes.

What are the psychological causes of erectile dysfunction?

The list of things that can cause erectile dysfunction seems to never end. Drinking too much, not working out enough, heck, even not practicing perfect dental hygiene has been found to cause ED. But not all ED causes are physical in nature. In fact, sometimes erectile dysfunction is all in your head.

You see, your mental headspace holds major sway over various aspects of your body, including your ability to achieve an erection. This is because your erection relies upon signals from your brain to know when it’s time to get to work, and when you’ve got a mental block upstairs, signals get crisscrossed and imbalanced.

Scientifically speaking, intense feelings such as depression, anxiety, and stress all have biochemical components that flood the brain. When your brain is full of these chemicals, it can lead to other feelings getting lost in the hubbub. Specifically, when your penis communicates to the brain that it is time to achieve an erection, these signals can get lost in the flood of chemicals being released, leading to missed erections.

The problem with psychological-induced ED is that missing erections can lead to the feelings only getting worse, thus worsening your erectile dysfunction. It’s something of a vicious circle, as your feelings get more intense, which leads to missed erections, which leads to worse feelings.

Psychological-induced ED is very common, with a recent study finding that 61 percent of men that suffered from severe depression reported experiencing sexual problems. Thankfully, it is an issue that can be beaten. Talk to your psychiatrist about the problems you’re having, and together you can determine if medication is needed or how you can overcome the feelings.

Is erectile dysfunction a normal part of aging?

The sky is blue, grass is green, and men lose their ability to achieve an erection when they get old. These are just facts as far as the world is concerned, but the whole “loss of erection” thing isn’t as set in stone as everyone seems to think.

While it is true that your body will experience a variety of changes as you grow older, this does not mean that your erection is going to kick the bucket the moment you hit your golden years. In fact, it’s not even a guarantee that you’ll lose your erectile virility even when you’re into your 90’s. It all depends on whether or not you take care of yourself.

You see, your erection depends upon steady blood flow from your heart. As you grow older, your arteries will narrow and your heart might struggle to keep up with the newfound needs of your body, which all equates to reduced blood flow.

However, with healthy living, you may be able to sidestep these issues entirely. Eating well, staying active, and avoiding vices such as smoking and overdrinking can do wonders for your body. By living well, you can ensure that your body won’t have to struggle to keep up with the demands of poor living.

So, while erectile dysfunction might strike one day, you can ensure that it won’t be for a long, long time by living well. If you look after your body, erectile dysfunction isn’t an inevitability. But if you consistently eat fatty meals, live a sedentary lifestyle, and smoke and drink too much, you’re erection will kick the bucket one day and you’ll have no one to blame but yourself.

How do I tell my signifigant other I have erectile dysfunction?

If you’ve found it difficult to get your little guy to stand at attention as of late, you may be wondering if you’re dealing with a temporary issue or full-blown erectile dysfunction. You’re running out of excuses for your significant other, and you’re starting to worry.

Worry not. Erectile dysfunction is not a death knell for your erection. ED can be caused by a variety of issues, so as long as you face facts and admit you have a problem and work with a doctor to beat the problem, your erection will be just fine. But while there are plenty of solutions for your issue, it can seem next to impossible to tell your partner about your ED.

Remember, in a relationship, communication is key. If you simply withdraw sexually and refuse to talk about your issue, resentment and anger may build and seep into the rest of your relationship.

When dealing with ED, it’s always nice to have someone to lean on. Let your partner know that you’re dealing with the issue, and talk through what this means for the best of you. It’s important to remember that your issue does not affect solely you; with sex off the table, it affects your partner, too. Talk about how you can both deal with the issue, and come up with compromises to ensure that nobody walks away hurt.

Erectile dysfunction also does not have to mean that your sex life is D.O.A. With patience and reliance upon techniques such as the stop-and-go and deep breathing, you can last in the bedroom. It will just take a little more time than usual.

If you’re dealing with erectile dysfunction, don’t hide your problem from your partner. Be honest, be frank, and together you can get through it as a team.

Can high blood pressure cause erectile dysfunction?

High blood pressure is a relatively common problem, affecting millions of Americans. But while high blood pressure can be regulated and lowered to a healthy level, many men dealing with the affliction find themselves dealing with a much more embarrassing problem as a result of high blood pressure.

Yes, while you wouldn’t guess that the two health issues would even be mildly related, the truth is that high blood pressure, if left unchecked, can lead to issues downstairs. In fact, high blood pressure-induced ED is fairly common, with a recent study published in the Journal of Urology finding that 68% of men with high blood pressure reported having some degree of erectile dysfunction.

When you step back and think about it, the correlation makes perfect sense. Your penis is entirely dependent upon the network of arteries in your body to provide it with the blood necessary to engorge and become erect. When left unchecked, high blood pressure can lead to artery damage. When damaged, your arteries will struggle to dilate as they are supposed, thus drastically slowing blood flow to the penis. With no steady blood flow, the penis cannot properly engorge, which equates to a missed erection and an embarrassed man.

But that’s not to say developing high blood pressure is an automatic death sentence for your love life. If kept in check and monitored, your arteries can be left unaffected, allowing blood to freely flow throughout the body and supply the penis with all the blood it needs.

So, if you’ve got high blood pressure, keep a close eye on your numbers. Your erection will thank you.

Should I take erectile dysfunction medication on a full stomach?

When it comes to erectile health medication, it’s all about getting the best bang for your buck. If you take the drug at the wrong time, you’ll find yourself twiddling your thumbs and waiting for the effects to kick in. Alternatively, if you take it too early, you may find the effects wearing off before you can put them to use. When it comes to erectile dysfunction medication, it’s all about timing.

The state of your body can also play a large part on when your ED medication kicks in, which is why it is imperative to take your medication at the right time. One of the most important factors for your ED medication is the state of your stomach.

You see, because ED medication is ingested, it ends up in the stomach. Once in the stomach, the fullness of your stomach plays a large role in when you can expect your medication to take hold.

Many advise taking ED medication after eating, but this isn’t necessarily wise if time is of the essence. When ED medication is taken on a full stomach, it’s going to take longer for the medication to do what it needs to do. Your stomach addresses food on a “first come, first served” basis, digesting the food that came in first, working through everything in your stomach until it is empty. If you take your ED medication after a large meal, it will be a while before your medication is fully digested, which means it will be quite a while into it’s effects take hold.

As such, if you’re looking to put your ED medication to work sooner rather than later, take your medication on an empty stomach. This ensures the medication is unimpeded, allowing it to be processed quickly, dispersed throughout your body, and allowing you to get down to business.

How can I determine if I have erectile dysfunction or performance anxiety?

Every man has to deal with the occasional missed erection. Whether it’s due to one drink too many or plain old nerves, it’s something that happens. But if it begins to happen consistently, it can graduate from a nuisance to a full-blown problem. But just because you’re missing erections doesn’t mean you should invest in a bottle of Viagra just yet. It’s possible that your erectile issues could be simply be related to performance anxiety.

Even the most sexually confident men will occasionally encounter performance anxiety. Signals in the brain get crisscrossed, leading to sexual excitement getting lost in the ether, preventing your brain from communicating to your penis that it’s time to wake up and get to work. This could be related to nervousness from laying with a new partner, or from feelings of inadequacy.

What’s important to remember is that it happens. But how can you determine if you’re suffering from performance issues or erectile dysfunction? It’s simple: test it. Men who suffer from erectile dysfunction are consistently unable to achieve an erection, no matter the situation. As such, test your erectile health when not with your partner. If you find you can coax an erection out with self-stimulation, this means you are suffering from performance anxiety. If you can’t achieve an erection on your own, this could mean you’re dealing with ED.

Whatever the result of your little test, don’t get disheartened. Many men deal with performance issues, and they can be easily overcome by speaking to a mental health expert about what could be causing your problem. Alternatively, if you determine that ED is the root of your issue, speak to a doctor about it and work together to figure out what is causing your erectile woes.

Can medication cause erectile dysfunction?

While medication is designed to help the body perform various functions, sometimes this medication can end up hurting other aspects of the body. That’s not to say that every little pill you take will end up hurting as much as it helps, but there are plenty of medication out there that have been found to help and hinder.

Many men take medication to help other issues they’re having, but soon find themselves dealing with the inability to achieve an erection. Unfortunately, this is a fairly common occurrence, due to the market being filled with drugs that have been linked to erectile dysfunction.

If you’ve recently started taking a new drug and you find yourself unable to achieve an erection, this could be linked to the medication. If you’re taking any of the following type of drugs and you find yourself dealing with ED, talk to your doctor about changing medication:

– Diuretics and other high blood pressure drugs
– Antihistamines
– Parkinson’s disease medication
– Antidepressants and anti-anxiety drugs
– Antiarrythmics
– Muscle relaxants
– Prostate cancer medication
– Chemotherapy drugs

To be clear, if you take one of these drugs, it’s not guaranteed that you’re going to develop erectile issues. These type of drugs have simply been linked to ED as a side effect, so if you found yourself struggling with ED and you take one of these drugs, speak to your doctor. It may be a side effect of the medication, or it may be related to something else entirely. But be safe and speak to a medical professional if ED develops while taking any of these drugs.

Are there any natural remedies for erectile dysfunction?

As long as man has existed, we have turned to the Earth for help. Our ancient ancestors found that certain berries would help, while other berries would harm. As we grew, we found more natural ways of alleviating issues we would encounter. But as we matured, people learned to turn to medicine and science instead of relying upon the bounty of the planet.

But there are many out there that try to handle issues as our ancestors did: naturally. But while there are plenty of roots, figs, leaves, and plants that have been found to help with a variety of health problems, is there truly a natural cure for erectile dysfunction?

The answer isn’t “no,” but it isn’t “yes” either. The answer lies closer to “kind of.”

You see, there are plenty of natural remedies that help men suffering from erectile dysfunction. Ginseng, arginine, and herbs such as the oddly named horny goat weed have all been found to help with ED, but we have yet to discover a naturally occurring solution that will defeat erectile dysfunction all together.

Which is why men looking to best ED should use a mix of the natural and the modern. Stocking up on natural herbs that help encourage health blood flow is a good start, but talk to your doctor about erectile health medication while you’re at it. Mix in regular exercise, eating healthy, and cutting out vices, and you should be able to overcome your erectile issues in no time.

While there isn’t a natural solution to ED, there are plenty of herbs and plants that will give you a fighting chance in besting ED. Mix these natural elements with doctor-approved medication and positive lifestyle changes and you should be ED free before you know it.

Can drinking too much lead to erectile dysfunction?

Alcohol, like all things in life, is best enjoyed in moderation. While the occasional wild night is a nice way to blow off steam, an overreliance an alcohol can lead to serious health problems down the line.

For men that drink daily or find themselves turning to the bottle regularly, health issues are bound to develop. Research has found that alcoholism can lead to heart disease, liver disease, stroke, high blood pressure, and cancer of the mouth, throat, liver, and colon. While it can be easy to justify a drink every now and again, relying upon alcohol too much can set a man up for serious health problems.

It is these health issues that can in turn lead to further issues within the body, such as erectile dysfunction. Yes, drinking too much won’t just lead to a missed erection after you’ve had one drink too many; it could lead to missing erections permanently.

This is because chronic heavy drinking has been linked to health issues that have been found to lead to erectile dysfunction. Drinking too much can lead to liver damage and nerve damage, both of which have been linked to ED. An overreliance on alcohol can also lead to issues within the brain. When heavy drinking is done regularly, it can lead to abnormalities in the brain, such as disrupting the balance of the male sex hormone levels. When these hormone levels are thrown into flux, the brain will struggle to translate signals of sexual excitement into an erection, leading to missed erections.

Before you go and give up drinking entirely to save your erection, research hasn’t found any link between ED and mild alcohol consumption. But when alcohol begins to take over your life, you’re setting yourself up for plenty of issues down the line. Do yourself a favor and drink in moderation. Your erection will thank you.