Could my blood pressure medication be causing my erectile dysfunction?

Erection dysfunction can be caused by seemingly an endless number of issues. Whether it’s due to depression, laziness, or smoking, ED can rear it’s ugly head and strike at any moment. While a vast majority of erectile-related issues can be traced back to psychological issues, your erection isn’t in the clear even if you have an untroubled mind. In fact, it could even be your medication that ends up doing your erection in.

Yes, the medicine you are taking explicitly to help your body could end up causing issues in other parts of your body. While antidepressants and antihistamines have been linked to ED, one of the most common medicinal causes of the problem is blood pressure medication.

This is problematic because many men depend on blood pressure medication to lower their blood pressure to save their erection. For some men, the medicine they are relying on to solve their problem actually just ends up making the problem worse.

That’s not to say all blood pressure medication will worsen your erectile dysfunction. The most common culprits for ED are diuretics (better known as water pills) and beta-blockers. Typically, these would be the first kind of blood pressure medication a doctor would likely prescribe to a man struggling with high blood pressure.

If you’re struggling with high blood pressure and you already have ED, talk to your doctor and avoid diuretics and beta-blockers. It’s been found that men with ED that take these forms of medication typically find their ED worsening, with a recent study finding that a whopping 70 percent of men polled that took these medications while afflicted with ED found their ED getting worse.

If you have high blood pressure, talk to a doctor about the best medication to overcome this issue. But if you’re struggling with erectile dysfunction, explore possible alternatives to diuretics and beta-blockers.

Could jealousy be causing my erectile dysfunction?

It’s always nice when your partner hits it off with your buddies. When your significant other fits into your friend group, you won’t have to beg to go grab drinks or to go hang out, because your partner will be asking to come along. But if your partner gets a little too chummy with your friends, your feelings about your partner joining your friend group may begin to sour.

If your partner manages to become fully integrated into your friend group, it may begin to gnaw at you. These are your friends, after all. Your partner has his or her own friend group, so there’s no reason for your partner to be hanging around constantly. Eventually, these feelings may morph into full-blown jealousy; after all, the only reason your partner is hanging around your friends is because he or she’s sneaking around behind your back with one of your friends, right?

If you become hung-up on these thoughts, eventually jealous might creep into the bedroom, and your erection could end up paying the price.

A recent study of 3,00 men between the ages of 57 to 85 found that men whose partner got too close to his friends was 92 percent more likely to experience erectile issues.

This is due to the fact that psychological factors play a large part in your sexual performance. So if you’re tossing thoughts of infidelity around, your mind is going to be preoccupied, and your body is going to take this as a sign that an erection just isn’t a priority.

If you think jealousy is costing you your erection, get to the root of the problem. Confront your feelings of jealousy, either with your partner or a mental health expert. Figure out how to overcome these problems, either by pushing out jealous thoughts or by confronting the issue directly with an open dialogue with your partner.

Can kegel exercises help my erectile dysfunction?

Do you struggle to consistently achieve an erection? Well, there’s an easy exercise you could be incorporating into your daily life that could very well bring your erection back to its former glory. It doesn’t require any weights, you don’t have to be a work-out nut to do it, and it can be done literally anywhere. It’s the kegel exercise, and it could be the key to saving your erection.

When someone mentions kegel exercises, men are typically not the demographic that springs to mind. Kegel exercises have long been associated with pregnant women, with moms-to-be using the exercise to improve bladder control. But kegel exercises help curtail urinary slip-ups by strengthening the pelvic floor muscles, a group of muscles responsible for regulating the bladder and, you guessed it, the erection.

By toning your pelvic floor muscles, you’ll be strengthening the muscle group responsible for controlling your erection. These bulbocavernosus muscles, as they’re known, allow the penis to engorge with blood and pumps semen during ejaculation. If you work this important muscle group, you could regain your erection.

Kegel exercises are incredibly simple to perform. Simply squeeze the muscles in your groin responsible for urination. These muscles can be found by stopping your stream during urination. Feel those muscles tightening? Those are your pelvic floor muscles.

Once you’ve located the muscle group, squeeze these muscles, hold it for five seconds, and then relax. Simple as that. Performs reps of these squeezes 10 to 20 times, two or three times a day.

Eventually, kegel exercises will become easier, ensuring you can knock a rep out anywhere, be it on the floor at home or standing in the elevator at work.

Stick with kegel exercises, and you should see your penile control greatly improve.

My low libido is causing erectile dysfunction. How can I overcome this problem?

You’ve always enjoyed sex. In fact, you can’t ever think of a time when you didn’t enjoy sex. Even the crummiest sex is still sex after all, right? But as of recently, you just can’t bring yourself to care about sex. Your partner is practically throwing herself at you, but you still can’t muster up the gumption to get down to business between the sheets. You’ve tried thinking about sex, but that doesn’t help. You’ve tried to incorporate new, exciting things into the bedroom, but that doesn’t help. While your general disinterest in sex was bad enough, lately you find you’ve been struggling to achieve an erection.

All of your sex-less woes can be traced back to one culprit: low libido. If your libido has taken a dip, you’ll find that sex just isn’t as interesting to you as it used to be. That’s not to say that low libido ensures that you’ll forever be apathetic about sex. Quite the opposite, in fact. Odds are there is some catalyst for your low libido, and if you can get to the root of the problem you can reclaim your sex drive.

Low libido can be caused by many factors, including stress, depression, low self-esteem, and even lack of sleep. When your body encounters one of these problems, it can lead to wires getting crisscrossed, which can lead to sexual feelings getting lost. As your sex drive dips, you may find that your erection isn’t springing to attention like it used to. Again, this leads back to the wires in your brain. When your body attempts to tell the brain that it’s time to wake up the erection and engage in intercourse, the notification can get lost, leading to missed erections.

If you’re looking to regain your sex drive and erection, seek help from a mental health expert. Together, you can work through what feelings might be causing your lowered sex drive. It may be stress at work, feelings of inadequacy, or something you that didn’t even realize was problematic, such as a hormone imbalance.

Once you’ve rooted out the cause of your low libido, you can begin to work through the problem. Over time, you’ll overcome the issue, your sex drive should go back to normal, and your erection will spring back to life.

Why can’t I achieve an erection whenever I have a new sexual partner?

A new sexual partner is always exciting. Something about a new body to learn, new preferences to figure out, new quirks to love; hopping into bed with a new partner is pretty much the adult equivalent of getting to open your presents early on Christmas morning.

But a new sexual partner can be intimidating, too. You might worry that you won’t be able to satisfy your partner, or maybe that your kinks will scare your new partner off. There are so many question marks the first time you get together with a new sexual partner, it can be downright scary.

For some men, it can be so scary that it can prevent your little guy from standing at attention. With no erection, that means no sex. No sex means a disappointed partner. Disappointed partner means the connection fizzles out and dies, which means a disappointed you.

If you consistently find yourself unable to achieve an erection when with a new sexual partner, blame it on your brain.

If a man is nervous going into a sexual encounter, this can lead to wires getting crossed upstairs. On one hand, your brain is being told to send blood to the penis to initiate intercourse. Conversely, the anxiety you’re feeling about sexual activity is telling your brain to ignore this command, which cancels pumping blood to the penis.

Thankfully, this is a problem that can be easily overcome. Since it all boils down to anxiety, the solution is simple: Relax! Step back, take a couple calming breathes, and remind yourself that sex is supposed to be fun. Don’t focus on the negative “what if’s;” instead, focus on the new experience that lies ahead.

Work out a way to calm yourself down when you feel anxiety setting in, and explain to your new partner that you need to overcome this issue together. Through foreplay and patience, you should be ready to go in no time.

What can I do to regain my erection?

So, it’s happened; you’ve developed erectile dysfunction. You can’t seem to get your little guy to sit up and pay attention when it’s time to get down to business in the sheets, no matter how hard you try. Your friends suggested a couple “sure-fire” techniques that were supposed to help your erection spring back to life, but they all failed. Face it; you’ve got erectile dysfunction.

But don’t spend your time kicking yourself and cursing your luck. Erectile dysfunction is not an absolute death knell for your precious erection. If approached correctly, erectile dysfunction can be overcome and defeated, and your erection should return to its former glory in no time.

If you want to save your little guy, it’s time to get serious about living well.

This means a diet focusing on fruits, veggies, and whole grains, with as little unhealthy sugar and fatty foods as humanly possible. While we’re on the topic of what you need to put in your body to beat your ED, it would also be wise to cut out cigarettes and overdrinking. A glass of wine every now and again isn’t going to undo all your hard work, but drinking to excess isn’t going to do your erection any favors.

Once you’ve started eating better, it’s time to get active. If you live a sedentary lifestyle, your erection is eventually going to pay the price. If you’re lazy and eat poorly, your waistline will grow, your arteries will narrow, and blood flow to the penis will be a difficult endeavor. Whatever you have to do to get up and get active, do it. Run a mile every day, create a workout regiment, lift weights, do leg lifts at work; if it gets you sweating, it’s good for your erection.

After some time, your positive lifestyle change should exponentially help your erection. As you slim down and eat better, blood flow will improve, which will make it easier for blood to reach the penis and cause an erection. Plus, this is a win/win; you’ll slim down, feel better about yourself, and regain your erection.

Could depression be causing my erectile dysfunction?

If you find yourself struggling to get out of bed in the morning, you find yourself not enjoying activities you typically love, and you prefer to be alone, you might begin to wonder if you’re saddled with depression. When you’re depressed, it can feel as though a big cloud is hanging over your head, affecting everything you do and controlling how you feel.

Depression can begin to leak into every aspect of your life, and could eventually find it’s way into the bedroom. In fact, depression and sexual issues are commonly linked, with a whopping 47 percent of men diagnosed as being clinically depressed reporting having problems with their sex life.

You may wonder how your current mood can play a part in the very physical act of achieving an erection, but the connection is very real. This is because your erection depends on signals from the brain that let it know it’s time to get to work. When you’re depressed, these signals can get lost amid the out-of-balance chemicals, and your brain suddenly can’t communicate to your body that an erection is needed.

The problem with depression and erectile dysfunction is that it can begin to feel like a vicious circle. When you’re depressed and you suddenly find yourself unable to perform in bed, this can lead to feelings of inadequacy and just makes both problems all the worse.

If you’ve been depressed and you’re now struggling to achieve an erection, don’t wait for your situation to get better. Seek help for your depression, and work to get to the bottom of the problem. Over time, you should be able to kick your depression to the curb, and your erection should return soon after.

If I have diabetes am I more at risk to develop erectile dysfunction?

When you have diabetes, it may feel like a perpetual race to find the perfect balance for your blood sugar. If it’s too high, you’ll get dizzy. If it’s too low, you’ll get dizzy. But if you can get it just right, you’ll be okay until your blood sugar inevitably begins to dip again and you’re right back to where you started.

But if you’re afflicted with diabetes, it is imperative to keep a close eye on your blood sugar levels, annoying as it may be. If not taken care of, your blood sugar can lead to health complications, such as high blood pressure and coronary artery disease.

If you don’t practice blood sugar control, you could even see your erection pay the price.

This is due to the fact that poor long-term blood sugar control can lead to major damage for blood vessels and nerves. When your blood vessels are damaged, your body will struggle to supply blood to your lower extremities, such as your penis. If your nerves are damaged, your body may struggle to pass pleasurable feelings from your penis to your brain, which leads to missed erections.

Erectile dysfunction among men with diabetes is incredibly prevalent. Studies have found that men with diabetes above the age of 50 are 60% more likely to develop erectile dysfunction. Above age 70, that likelihood jumps up to a staggering 95%.

It’s impossible to keep your blood sugar perfectly balanced all the time. But if you eat right, don’t let your blood sugar levels run wild, and live healthy, you should be able to stave off erectile dysfunction.

How can I prevent erectile dysfunction?

It feels like erectile dysfunction is an inevitability; lurking just around the corner to strike and take away your ability to get down to business between the sheets. No man wants to lose the ability to be sexually active, so age-induced erectile dysfunction can be downright scary.

But rest assured that your erection isn’t going to simply wither and die the moment you hit 60. Erectile dysfunction is caused by a variety of internal factors, such as blood flow and cardiovascular health. While it’s true that your body will one day lose the ability to supply a steady stream of blood to your penis, that doesn’t mean you can’t push this inevitability back.

The key to avoiding erectile dysfunction is by being healthy, plain and simple. Eat heart healthy meals, be active, avoid vices such as cigarettes, and practice moderation when it comes to alcohol consumption.

While this might sound like an obvious answer, living poorly greatly increases your chances of erectile dysfunction. The longer you eat poorly and live a sedentary lifestyle, the greater your chances of developing erectile dysfunction.

If you’ve decided to try and save your erection by changing your lifestyle, it might be too late. A lifetime of living poorly could have erectile dysfunction set in stone for you, but making positive lifestyle changes could always improve your chances of prolonging the inevitable.

If you’re looking to avoid erectile dysfunction for as long as possible, it’s important to live healthy. If you practice healthy living, you won’t have to worry about erectile dysfunction for many years.

Can my diet affect my erection?

Have you been trading out the whole grain for fried chicken lately? Instead of fruits and vegetables, do you find yourself reaching for candy? If so, you might find yourself a little bigger than you used to be. Sure, food that is bad for you is almost universally delicious, but if you opt to go with sugary, fatty foods, your erection may end up paying the price.

Yes, while what you eat and your erection don’t seem like they would be related whatsoever, the truth is that your diet can play a vital part in your erectile health.

This is because your diet greatly affects your cardiovascular health, which your erection is dependent upon to work properly. If you eat poorly, you will begin to gain weight. As you gain weight, your heart will have to work a little harder to keep up with the new demands of the body. When the heart is working overtime to keep up, blood flow will slow. When your blood flow slows down, your body will have to work harder to get blood to your lower extremities, such as your penis. When your penis can’t be quickly provided with blood, this leads to missed erections, which could then snowball into full blown erectile dysfunction.

As you gain weight, your cardiovascular system will have to work even harder to accommodate for this newfound weight, and your chances of erectile dysfunction will grow. If you’re looking to avoid developing a gut and losing your erection, stick to healthy foods and an active lifestyle. The occasional ice cream cone never hurt anybody, but if enjoyed in excess, you could be running into erectile problems down the line.