How do I tell my new partner about my erectile dysfunction?

A new relationship can be exciting, fun, and downright scary. Since you’re still getting to know each other, it can feel as though you’re walking on eggshells. You worry if you’re saying the right things, or if you’re going to scare your partner off. Erectile dysfunction can further complicate this getting to know each other process, because the man afflicted with ED may feel as though his issue could be a deal breaker for his partner.

But if approached appropriately, erectile dysfunction should be seen as just another facet of who you are.

Make sure to broach the topic before things get too hot and heavy in the bedroom. While engaging in foreplay, take a moment to tell your partner about your ED. Stress that there are plenty of workarounds to this issue, and that you can explore your options if the problem should rear it’s ugly head.

Remember to emphasize that ED is not a reflection of how you feel about your partner. While a failing erection could be seen as the man not being into you, this is not the case. It’s a mental and physical problem, and it is in no way an indication of how the man feels.

Stress that your issue requires patience. Erections won’t always be instantaneous, and that you’ll need to work as a team to overcome the problem. If an erection simply isn’t in the cards that night, find another way you can be gratified as a couple, either through foreplay or cuddling.

Telling your new partner about your erectile dysfunction can be scary, but if your partner really cares about you and wants to stick around, your ED shouldn’t be a deal breaker.

Can biking cause erectile dysfunction?

Taking your bicycle out for a spin is a healthy, fun way to stay in shape, go exploring, and get active. Whether you’re biking to work or just enjoying a relaxing Saturday ride, biking is the perfect balance of fun and healthy. But biking can lead to problems for some men. In fact, if you bike too much, you may find your erection paying the price.

That’s not to say that the act of biking is problematic for your erection. In actuality, it’s the kind of bike you ride that can lead to erectile health issues.

You see, biking depends upon you putting all your weight on the perineum, which is the scientific term for the area between the scrotum and the anus.. This area of the body contains a bundle of muscles, arteries, and nerves that all ultimately lead to the penis, and are vital for erections.

When you sit on a hard, unforgiving seat, you are putting stress on a very vulnerable part of the body. If you bike constantly, that’s constant pressure on an area of the body that your erections depend upon. If your bike has a hard, narrow saddle seat, you could be doing long-lasting damage to your erection just be biking daily.

Even if you don’t bike that much, you could still be at risk. A study found that erectile dysfunction risk was highest among men who cycled three hours or more a week.

That’s not to say you need to cut biking out of your life to save your erection. Simply invest in a better seat. A soft seat that conforms to your body will make for a comfier ride, and will relive the perineum of unnecessary stress.

Can kegel exercises help my erectile dysfunction?

When someone says “kegel exercises” the first image to pop into your head is a bunch of pregnant women, huffing and puffing as they do the ridiculous looking exercise. But kegel exercises aren’t solely for the pregnant crowd. In fact, if you struggle with erectile dysfunction, kegel exercises could be the solution you’ve been looking for.

Pregnant women are advised to do kegel workouts to control the urinary incontinence that typically comes with having a human being living in your stomach. This is because kegel exercises work and tone the pelvic floor muscles, which can lead to greater control in the pelvic area. When utilized by men, kegel exercises can help the bladder, the bowels, and, most importantly, sexual function.

Kegel exercises target the network of muscles located in the pelvis, which help to regulate the flow of urine and blood to the penis. By toning this area, you can improve urinary flow (no more after-completion dribble!) and increase blood flow to the penis, which could equate in stronger erections.

To begin doing kegels, first you need to find the right muscles. While urinating, try and stop the urine midstream. That tightening you feel is your pelvic floor muscles. Once you’ve identified the muscle group, the exercise is easy: Simply tighten this muscle group for three seconds, and then relax for three seconds. Try a few reps, but don’t overdo it.

Kegel exercises are incredibly easy to do, and can be done practically anywhere. Once you’ve got the exercise down to a science, you can easily knock out reps while standing around waiting for the elevator or while sitting in a meeting.

Kegel exercises aren’t guaranteed to eliminate your erectile dysfunction completely, but it could certainly put you on the right path.

Could stress be causing my erectile dysfunction?

Your boss expects your latest report on his desk by Wednesday, a coworker has just pawned his work off on you, your partner is asking for more time together, and you just realized you forgot to pick up the kids from school.

When a man is stressed, it can be difficult to focus on anything else. The stress can be all consuming, and can begin to creep into other aspects of life. Things that used to be fun simply feel like distractions from your mounting obligations. Loved ones become annoyances, friends become hindrances; stress will begin to consume you.

And stress doesn’t only affect your headspace. It can begin to affect you physically, in ways you might not expect. Your blood pressure will rise, your heart may struggle to keep up, and your erection may pay the toll.

Your erection depends upon steady blood flow to work properly. When the body can’t dependably get blood to the penis, you’ll find it difficult to achieve an erection. With your blood pressure increased due to stress, your body will struggle to keep up with the demands of the brain, and blood flow will suffer. With blood flow affected, your body won’t be able to get blood to the penis, which means missed erections.

Stress-related erectile dysfunction can be a vicious circle. When you’re stressed, you can’t achieve an erection. When you can’t achieve an erection, this adds to your stress and makes the problem worse.

If stress is keeping you from getting down to business between the sheets, it’s important to find a way to ease the stress. Pinpoint what is causing stress and figure out a way to manage it. Make plans to prevent worrying, and work to find a way to lessen the stress in your daily life.

Could my weight gain be responsible for my erectile dysfunction?

As your waistline grows, other aspects of your body may begin to pay the price. Your heart may struggle to deal with this newfound weight, which could lead to slowed blood flow. When your weight, heart problems, and slowed blood flow stack up, it all points to erectile dysfunction.

Yes, opting for another burger and a lazy day laying around could be the death knell for your erection. Weight gain can drastically affect sexual function, so as your weight grows, you may find your erection paying the price.

This is due to the fact that excess weight gain- excess belly fat specifically- can play a vital part in your erectile health. All the excess weight can affect the body’s ability to supply blood to the penis, and it can also lead to your body’s ability to produce testosterone slowing.

But that’s not to say that weight gain is the end of your erection. Studies have found that eating well, getting active, and working to shed your excess weight can drastically improve your erectile health.

A recently concluded study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine revealed that shedding 5% to 10% of excess weight can improve erectile function in men who are afflicted with weight-associated erectile dysfunction.

So, if you’re noticing that your erection isn’t quite as reliable as it used to be since you started putting on weight, it’s time to make some positive lifestyle choices. Eat healthy, get active, and lose that weight, and you should see your erection return to normal.

Could my medication be causing my erectile dysfunction?

In commercials for medication, after showing the generic happy older couple having a picnic or riding a paddleboat, a voiceover quickly lists all of the potential side effects that this particular drug can cause. While this voiceover sometimes goes too fast to catch every side effect, this fast-talking voice could be warning you that this medication could lead to the loss of your erection.

Be it prescribed or over-the-counter, just about everyone seems to have a pill or two they pop every morning. In fact, a recent study found that 70 percent of Americans take prescription drugs. While these drugs certainly help in their intended usage, they can sometimes lead to issues elsewhere in the body. Some may cause lower blood pressure, or aching of the joints, or your daily little pill could be spelling the end of your erection.

The list of drugs that can cause erectile dysfunction is varied, so it would be wise to consult our list to see if you’re taking one of the following medications.

  • Diuretics and high blood pressure drugs
  • Antidepressant, anti-anxiety, and antiepileptic drugs
  • Antihistamines
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs
  • Parkinson’s Disease medication
  • Antiarrythmics
  • Muscle relaxants
  • Prostate cancer medication
  • Chemotherapy drugs

If you find yourself struggling to regularly achieve an erection and you take any of the aforementioned drugs, consult your doctor about this issue and determine your best course of action. Your doctor may say the medication isn’t to blame, but it’s good to be safe. If your medication is the culprit for your poor erectile health, determine a safe alternative medication that will keep you, and your erection, healthy.

What is the proper way to take Viagra?

Viagra, like any medication, works best when taken under specific conditions. If you opt to take Viagra whenever you feel it is needed, you may find yourself dealing with mixed results. If not taken properly, you could find yourself waiting hours for the effects to kick in, or you may find it not kicking in at all.

If you’re looking to get the best bang for your buck with Viagra, follow these tips and you should see the results of Viagra quickly.

Be Ready: While most men seem to think that popping a Viagra will result in an instantaneous erection, this isn’t the case. Viagra simply helps your erection to spring to life, but it still needs some encouragement to kick in. Get sexually stimulated and Viagra will do the rest.

Time It: If you down your Viagra fill minutes before you’re set to get down to business, you’ll find yourself disappointed. Viagra takes time to take hold. It is advised that you take Viagra about an hour before sexual activity. If you’re a long-term planner, you can take Viagra up to four hours ahead of sexual activity and still be ready to go.

Don’t Fill Up: When the Viagra reaches your stomach, it must be digested and dispersed throughout your body. But if your erection has to wait in line to be digested, you could be left waiting around for the drug to take hold. Don’t eat a high fat meal before ingesting Viagra or it will take longer to start working.

So remember: Be sexually stimulated, time it, and don’t eat too much. If you follow these tips, you’ll get better results from Viagra, and you’ll be ready to get down to business.

Can erectile dysfunction affect young men?

When most men think “erectile dysfunction,” they tend to think of old men, unable to get it up while dealing with back pains, memory loss, and the inability to stay awake. While it is true that erectile dysfunction becomes increasingly prevalent in older men, the truth is that erectile dysfunction affects men of all ages. So whether you’re 22 or 82, it’s possible that ED could strike at any moment.

“But that’s impossible!” You may think to yourself. “I’m young, and I’ve never heard of anyone my age experiencing erectile dysfunction!”

More and more young men are experiencing erectile dysfunction, with a recent study finding that 26% of men under 40 had been affected by ED. But the key difference between young men experiencing ED and older men experiencing ED is the root causes.

In older men, the cause of erectile dysfunction is mostly physical in nature, with the heart slowing, reducing blood flow, and making erection difficulty. However, in younger men, the causes of erectile dysfunction tend to by psychological in nature.

Stress at work, relationship problems, depression, and anxiety are all common causes of erectile dysfunction amongst young men.

Furthermore, drinking to excess and casual drug use is prevalent amongst young men. Alcohol and drugs have been found to constrict the blood vessels, greatly decreasing blood flow, which can make it difficult to achieve an erection.

So ED can strike at any time, at any age. To ensure you don’t have to worry about erectile dysfunction until you’re older, make good life choices, eat well, be active, and live a happy, full life.

Is erectile dysfunction inevitable?

As a man gets older, there are some inevitabilities: Your joints are going to creak, your hearing will get worse, you’ll slow down. But is losing your erection one of those inevitabilities?

Unfortunately, yes. The day is going to come when you won’t be able to achieve an erection like you used to. But depending on how you live your life, when this inevitability strikes isn’t entirely set in stone.

Erectile dysfunction becomes increasingly common as you grow older, with a recent study from the National Institute of Health finding that 17% of men in their 60’s experience erectile dysfunction. So most men seem to think that erectile dysfunction will become a serious issue as they enter their 60’s, but the truth is that your lifestyle choices can drastically affect when it happens to you.

If you live a life of fast food, no exercise, smoking, and drinking to excess, erectile dysfunction could strike when you’re young. But if you look after your body, stay active, and eat well, it could be well into your golden years before your erection kicks the bucket.

That’s not to say a lifetime of neglect to your body can’t be undone. Making serious positive lifestyle changes later in life could help your chances at saving your erection. But the key is starting these lifestyle choices sooner rather than later; if you decide to make these changes in your 80’s, it will already be too late for your erection.

So, yes, ED is going to strike eventually. But it is entirely up to you when exactly it does strike.

How can I determine if I have erectile dysfunction?

Every man is going to have the occasional missed erection. Maybe you’re tired, or your mind is preoccupied, or you’re just not in the mood. It happens. But when you begin to see consistent missed erections, it can be easy to panic. You’ll run through the mental list of causes, combing through your memory to determine what recent events lead to this issue.

But it’s important to determine if you truly have erectile dysfunction or you’re just having an off day.

Thankfully, you don’t need to pay a costly doctor’s bill to determine if you have erectile dysfunction. There is a simple test that can be performed in the safety of your own home that can help to determine your erectile health.

Here’s how it’s done:

  1. Pick up some stamps: Stop by your local post office and grab a roll of stamps, the kind with dry glue on the back.
  2. Get ready: Before you go to bed, pull your flaccid penis through the fly in your underwear. Make sure your pubic hair is out of the way, and check to make sure the shaft of your penis is exposed and easily accessible.
  3. Apply the stamps: Moisten the stamps on the roll, and then wrap them around your penis. Make sure the stamps overlap, with no break in the chain. Once the stamps are secured, put your penis back in your sheets and go to bed.
  4. Check the results: When you awake, check to see if the ring of stamps have been broken. If the stamps are broken, that indicates that you had an erection in your sleep, and are capable of achieving an erection. If the stamps are unbroken, that indicates that you are unable to achieve an erection.

Once you’ve performed this test, you can then determine how best to address the issue. If you did not achieve an erection, that could indicate something is wrong physically with your erection, and a doctor should be consulted.