Researchers have found that the one-two combo of Thanksgiving and Christmas leads to beltline’s expanding all across the United States. With both holidays putting a big focus on eating lots and lots of food and the chilly weather preventing people from enjoying the outdoors, this leads to Americans eating more and moving less.
As a result, you might find yourself beginning to resemble Jolly Old Saint Nick in the belly department. For some men, as the pounds pack on, troubles begin to arise in the bedroom. While slim, getting an erection never proved problematic, but your recent weight gain has made it difficult to perform.
This isn’t just a coincidence. In fact, weight gain has been found to be one of the most common causes of ED.
This is due to the fact that your body has to work harder to keep up with your heartier frame. Your heart will pump harder, and blood will have to struggle to get around the body quickly and efficiently. Additionally, your blood vessels will constrict, further hampering the flow of blood.
When your body can’t get blood quickly to your penis, this can lead to missed erections.
If you’re looking to shake off the holiday pounds and regain your erection, the solution is simple: get healthy. Eat better and get active, and you should begin to see your weight shed right off. With your weight gone, your erection should soon return.