Is my weight gain to blame for my erectile dsyfunction?

Researchers have found that the one-two combo of Thanksgiving and Christmas leads to beltline’s expanding all across the United States. With both holidays putting a big focus on eating lots and lots of food and the chilly weather preventing people from enjoying the outdoors, this leads to Americans eating more and moving less.

As a result, you might find yourself beginning to resemble Jolly Old Saint Nick in the belly department. For some men, as the pounds pack on, troubles begin to arise in the bedroom. While slim, getting an erection never proved problematic, but your recent weight gain has made it difficult to perform.

This isn’t just a coincidence. In fact, weight gain has been found to be one of the most common causes of ED.

This is due to the fact that your body has to work harder to keep up with your heartier frame. Your heart will pump harder, and blood will have to struggle to get around the body quickly and efficiently. Additionally, your blood vessels will constrict, further hampering the flow of blood.

When your body can’t get blood quickly to your penis, this can lead to missed erections.

If you’re looking to shake off the holiday pounds and regain your erection, the solution is simple: get healthy. Eat better and get active, and you should begin to see your weight shed right off. With your weight gone, your erection should soon return.

Can premature ejaculation lead to erectile dysfunction?

Lately, you’ve found that you’re struggling to last in the bedroom. While love making sessions used to last for long stretches of time, you’ve been hitting the wall within minutes of starting. You’re embarrassed, concerned, and a little scared. After all, if you’re not able to last in the bedroom, could that mean that the dreaded erectile dysfunction is just around the corner for you?

While I’m sure “no” is the answer you want to hear, the honest truth lies closer to “maybe.”

You see, premature ejaculation is not, in and of itself, a cause for erectile dysfunction. Your inability to last in the bedroom plays no part in your ability to achieve an erection. Physically, the causes for these issues are reliant upon entirely different parts of the body.

However, erectile dysfunction can be caused by mental issues. Depression, anxiety, stress, and feelings of inadequacy can lead to ED developing. When you find yourself struggling with premature ejaculation, it can lead to embarrassment and shame. From there, your brain can translate this into problems in the bedroom, and you could soon find your erection suffering.

So while premature ejaculation can’t physically cause ED, it can lead to mental hang-ups that can lead to erectile dysfunction.

If you find you’re struggling to last in the bedroom and you’ve suddenly lost the ability to consistently achieve an erection, talk to a mental health expert about your feelings Together, you can devise a way to overcome these issues and, ultimately, defeat your ED.

Is it possible for younger men to get erectile dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction. The very term summons thoughts of an old man unable to get it up anymore. But while ED has historically been associated with men in their golden years, the stark truth is that ED can affect men of all ages. Sure, it becomes more prominent as you age, but men as young as 20 are finding that losing the ability to achieve an erection is a threat that is all too real.

As you age, your body will begin to undergo changes. Your blood vessels will thin and your heart will struggle, which will lead to blood having to work harder to make it’s way through the body. When your body can’t get blood quickly to the penis, this leads to missed erections.

But thinning blood vessels and heart problems shouldn’t be a problem for younger men, right? Well, that’s true. But there are many other factors that can afflict men of all ages, which can lead to ED. Some of the most common causes of ED in younger men are:

–       Obesity

–       Smoking

–       Alcoholism

–       Depression

–       Stress

ED can strike at any age, and it’s become increasingly prevalent in younger men. If you’re a younger man and you are finding it difficult to achieve an erection, consult a doctor and find out what could be causing your affliction.

Is depression causing my erectile dysfunction?

Lately, you’ve been finding it difficult to find a reason to get out of bed. Things you used to enjoy have become tedious and joyless. When your friends invite you out for a night on the town, you opt to sit alone on your couch. If you’ve noticed that your mental headspace has changed drastically, you may be suffering from depression. Depression is like a rainy day funk that you can’t seem to bring yourself out of. It can take control of your life, and it can begin to feel as if there is no escape.

To add insult to injury, many men who suffer from severe depression find it difficult to achieve an erection. When your body is dealing with these psychological issues, it may struggle to achieve an erection. When you begin to lose your erection, this could send a man further spiraling into depression, exacerbating the problem.

While depression-induced erectile dysfunction can feel unshakeable, this simply isn’t true. If you’re suffering from ED brought on by your depression, you need to talk to someone to figure out how to overcome your mental issues.

A therapist or psychologist can walk you through your depression, and together you can formulate a way to get out of this funk. With careful planning and strict adherence to the plan, you can eventually claw yourself out of your depression. Once you’ve overcome depression, you should see your erection return to its former glory. So to conquer your ED, you must first conquer your depression.

Is my partner’s inability to achieve an erection an indicator that he’s no longer attracted to me?

When your man is suddenly unable to perform in the bedroom, it’s difficult not to take it a little personally. After all, if he can’t get aroused anymore, that means you’re not arousing him anymore, right? Feelings of resentment and doubt may begin to build, until you’re ready to explode on him for no longer loving you.

But it’s not as cut and dry as your partner no longer finding you attractive. There are many factors that can contribute to erectile dysfunction, including heart disease, psychological hang-ups, and weight gain. Your partner may not know what’s causing this sudden loss of erection, and it could be downright scary.

So when your man suddenly finds himself consistently unable to perform, don’t feel inadequate or get accusatory. This is a tough spot to find yourself in, and your partner is going to need all the support he can to overcome this problem.

Sit down with your partner and talk about what might be causing this issue. Is he stressed at work? Stressed at home? Does he feel guilty about something? If you can’t get to the root of the issue, it’s time to turn to the professionals. A doctor or psychologist can help your partner to figure out the reason behind his ED, which will put him on the road to overcoming the affliction.

So, if your man suddenly isn’t able to perform like he used to, don’t take it personally. It has nothing to do with his feelings about you. He finds you just as attractive as he always has, and he’ll need your help to fight this problem.

Is erectile dysfunction dangerous?

The occasional missed erection is no reason to panic, right? A night of too much drinking might be to blame, maybe you just aren’t in the mood. But if you continue to find yourself unable to achieve an erection, you’re eventually going to run out of excuses. But even if you have erectile dysfunction, that just means you occasionally have to pop a pill, right? Wrong again.

Erectile dysfunction isn’t just the loss of an erection. It could be a harbinger of severe health complications; a warning sign of something even worse. Erectile dysfunction has been found to be tied to several medical conditions, and could serve as an early warning sign that something is wrong inside you.

If you find you aren’t able to consistently achieve an erection, talk to your doctor. ED has been tied to:

–       Heart disease

–       High blood pressure

–       Prostate cancer

–       Kidney disease

–       Diabetes

While erectile dysfunction may not seem like a serious medical condition, it could be a sign that something is amiss inside you. If you find yourself struggling with ED, speak to your doctor about the possible causes. You could catch something much worse early in it’s development, which could save your life.

Can tight underwear cause erectile dysfunction?

Ever since the first man slipped into his first pair of tighty whities, there was someone assuring him that his briefs were going to give him erectile dysfunction. Tight underwear causing ED is one of the oldest misconceptions about erectile dysfunction, an old wives tale that has been passed around for so long that it is now accepted as fact.

But don’t be fooled, men. Even the tightest, strangling pair of underoos won’t lead to you losing your erection.

The logic is that tight underwear puts pressure on the penis and testicles, which can lead to damage over time. It’s said that if your penis is constrained for too long in tight underwear, your ability to achieve an erection will disappear.

Extensive research has been conducted by erectile health experts over the years, and zero correlation has been found between tight underwear and erectile dysfunction. Putting pressure on the penis will not lead to constrained blood vessels, so erectile loss is impossible.

However, while your erection may be safe from tight briefs, your testicles are another story. Research has found that tight underwear can contribute to infertility, due to tight underwear raising the temperature of the testicles, leading to sperm death.

So while your erection is in the clear from tighty whities, your sperm count isn’t as lucky. If you’re hoping for kids down the line, it might be wise to switch to boxers.

I’m newly divorced and I have erectile dysfunction. How do I break back into the dating scene?

When you finally decide to part ways with your partner, it can be a whirlwind of emotions. You can feel free, scared, optimistic, pessimistic, certain, confused; you’re going from certainty to a world of possibilities. You decide it’s time to dip your toes back into the dating pool, but you’ve got a big cloud hanging over your head: Erectile dysfunction. When you’re freshly divorced and saddled with ED, it can feel like it might be impossible to find someone. But here are some tips to keep in mind when dating after divorce with ED:

Don’t let it define you: While it may feel like ED is going to set the pace for your dating life, you need to remember that you are more than your erectile dysfunction. Focus on getting to know people, let your personality shine. Your ED is secondary, and it can be addressed at the appropriate time.

Don’t make it into more than it is: When you start dating again, it may feel like you need to air all of your dirty laundry right out of the gate to ensure you aren’t wasting your time. If it begins to seem like your new relationship is moving towards becoming physical, let your partner know of your affliction. Explain it thoroughly, and stress that you have ways to overcome it’s effects. 

Be understanding: Not everyone is going to understand ED. If your new partner has questions or concerns, be understanding and accommodating. Answer their questions, explain the problem, and open a dialogue. It may be embarrassing to talk about, but it’s important to be clear about your problem.

When you’ve found someone who is accepting of your problem, take it slow. After divorce, it can feel like you’re in a race against time when it comes to relationships. But get to know your new partner, and you could find yourself living happily for many years.

What are some natural remedies for erectile dysfunction?

If you’ve found yourself lacking between the sheets as of late, you could be afflicted with erectile dysfunction. Losing the ability to regularly achieve an erection can be scary, but there are plenty of ways to overcome this problem. While medication and guidance from a doctor is the best way to fight ED, it never hurts to give yourself a little help. Here are some natural treatments you can do around the house to help combat your problem.

Panax Ginseng: A herb native to China, Panax Ginseng (or red ginseng) is commonly seen as nature’s Viagra. Research has found that daily dosages of the herb to immensely helpful in fighting the effects of ED. While it won’t cure your problem outright, it could definitely help you to overcome ED.

Acupuncture: Though the science behind acupuncture as an ED remedy is shaky, recent research has found that the art of acupuncture can help to improve the quality of your erection. Do not rely on acupuncture alone to fight your ED, but it may prove helpful.

L-Arginine: An amino acid that naturally occurs in the body, L-Arginine helps to product nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is the body’s way of relaxing the blood vessels. By taking L-Arginine pills, you can aid your body in relaxing your blood vessels, which can facilitate better blood flow, improving your erection.

What age is it normal to develop erectile dysfunction?

Historically, erectile dysfunction has been seen as a problem for men in their golden years. The common conception is that erectile dysfunction is an inevitable problem for older men, as unavoidable as back problems and wrinkling skin.

While it’s true that erectile dysfunction may one day strike as you age, it’s a serious misconception that ED is only a problem for the elderly. Extensive research has found that ED is becoming more and more commonplace amongst the younger generation, and the median age for ED is lowering.

A study published in the July 2013 issue of Journal of Sexual Medicine revealed that ED is on the rise amongst younger men, with researchers finding that ED affected 26 percent of adult men under 40. After 40, the percentage of men affected by ED rose, with 50% of men in their 50s reporting ED, 60% in their 60s, and so on.

Researchers attribute this rise in ED prevalence to various factors, including more stressful lifestyles, higher rates of alcohol consumption, and depression.


While erectile dysfunction has commonly been seen as a problem exclusive to older men, the simple fact is that it’s affecting more and more young men every day.

Making positive lifestyle changes, eating better, and getting active can help you to avoid becoming a statistic as a younger man with ED.