Do Most Women Prefer Length or Girth Penis?


Which is more liked by women penis length or girth?


According to some surveys of women, aged between 18 to 65 years, most women would prefer a man with a thicker penis over a man with a longer but thinner penis (girth always comes ahead of length). The average circumference of the penis is about 4.6 inches. A larger circumference might stretch the vaginal opening such that the deep structures (clitoral crura and vestibular bulbs) are more stimulated, and the clitoral glans is more stimulated by penis movement, however, the difference in pleasure varies from woman to woman, and motive is also suggested by genital physiology.

What do Women Consider is the Best Penis Size?


According to women what is the most desirable penis size?


In some studies and surveys of women, aged between 18 to 65 years, it was found that the preferred size was about 6 inches. which is a bit above average, however, the answer varies from woman to woman depending on many factors (e.g., physical sexual attributes), and understanding your partner’s needs and desires remains the most important factor for healthy sexual relationship.

Women may prefer a smaller penis size in a long-term partner compared to a one-time partner for reasons of both physical comfort and a preference for less masculinity in a longer-term partner.

Does Penis Size Matter?


Does the size of a penis matter?


It’s very important to understand your partner’s needs and desires because that’s the real key for a healthy sexual relationship, where the hype of penis size doesn’t really matter. The size of the penis (as much as it’s within normal range) has zero bearing on its ability to give and receive pleasure.

It’s also important to mention that bigger-than-average penis has been associated with a higher risk of injury and infection. Also, It can make some positions especially painful.

What is the Average Penis Size?


What is the size of an average penis?


The size of a non-erect penis doesn’t consistently predict size when the penis is erected. Normal penis size is about 13 cm (5 inches) or longer when erect.

A penis is considered abnormally small only if it measures less than 7.5 cm (about 3 inches) when erect, a condition called micropenis. And this condition is fairly rare. Studies have shown that most men who think their penises are too small actually have normal-sized penises, unfortunately, the fear of a small penis is common, and it has been hugely influenced by the pornography industry.

Young men are increasingly picking Porn over Women.

It may seem simple. Internet pornography is not dangerous unless you abuse it. But, given the prevalence of internet pornography-related issues, it is clear that we do not know quite where to draw the line. The problem is international. French and Japanese studies show that young men are increasingly disinterested in sex with a partner. In Italy, one study shows that excessive internet porn usage begins at age 14. In the United States, 17% of internet porn users now meet the current criteria for compulsivity.

Understanding Porn Addiction

The good news is that it is treatable. There are several support websites for men who have quit, or wish to leave, internet pornography and regained their sex drive and potency. The bad news is that as a society, we are probably a long way from figuring out how much internet pornography is “too much.”

Young men are increasingly picking Porn over Women.

It may seem simple. Internet pornography is not dangerous unless you abuse it. But, given the prevalence of internet pornography-related issues, it is clear that we do not know quite where to draw the line. The problem is international. French and Japanese studies show that young men are increasingly disinterested in sex with a partner. In Italy, one study shows that excessive internet porn usage begins at age 14. In the United States, 17% of internet porn users now meet the current criteria for compulsivity.

Understanding Porn Addiction

The good news is that it is treatable. There are several support websites for men who have quit, or wish to leave, internet pornography and regained their sex drive and potency. The bad news is that as a society, we are probably a long way from figuring out how much internet pornography is “too much.”

18 Years Old Worried About the Length of My Penis its Only 2 1/2inches, when hard it’s 5 inches

Q. Hi, I’m 18 living healthy and ok, but lately I’ve been having this worries with my penis, at 18 the length of my penis when not hard is 2 1/2inches, when hard it’s 5 inches. it’s actually turning me into someone always looking to see other guys penis because I’d always want to compare with mine if I’m ok or not. I think about it every day.  I don’t know if there’s something I can do about it to increase maybe some inches. I’ve never used any penis enlargement medicine or cream. the truth is the little size of my penis keeps me from sex and I’m seriously ashamed of it because I know it’s gonna make me feel sadder when I have sex and the girl later told me that I’m poor. Help me out, please. Thanks

A. Hi Peter, First of all, you should never feel ashamed about your body as much as it was created that way, oppositely you should always have a great confidence as a man, and this is a very important point because most of the male sexual problems we see in our clinics are actually due to confidence problems and misconception.

Scientifically, the average length of an erect penis of an adult is 5 inches, and 3.5 inches when flaccid.

Now there is an important thing to understand; the actual length of penis depends on 2 things, which are; 1- the length of the penile tissues, 2- the power of the elongation (erection).

You are below average when it comes to length of the penile tissues (2.5 inches, as you said), but you make it up for that with a strong erection to end up with 5 inches erected penis which is totally normal and healthy.

Your overthinking and overstressing yourself about how your partner may judge your performance is going to be the real problem.

Another public misconception is that women prefer or enjoy a larger penis, which is a totally misleading statement. Unlike men, the sexual process for women depends 20-30% only on the physical act, while the rest rely on the emotional aspect. The vagina lengths, unstimulated, range from 2.75 inches to about 3.25 inches. When a woman is aroused, it increased to 4.25 inches to 4.75 inches. So actually a penis larger than 5 inches could be uncomfortable if it’s not harmful to most women, because it may lead to vaginal trauma or even bleeding during the deep penetration.

I don’t recommend any marketing penis enlargement products in your case, all you need is to work on your confidence and learn more about sexual intimacy rather than misconceptions about size and performance.

I hope this helps.

Are any advancements in penile prostheses on the horizon?

Yes! A research team made up of scientists from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Northwestern University, and Southern Illinois University is studying the creation of, for want of a better word, an implantable “exoskeleton” made from a nickel-titanium alloy. This alloy, called “Nitinol” is already used in many types of vascular surgery and has super-elastic properties.

The penile implant the team is working on is a shape memory alloy that’s heat-activated, which means that it “remembers” its original shape. At ordinary body temperature, it remains flaccid, but when heated, the material expands and elongates. Early testing has found that the alloy has mechanical characteristics similar to those of inflatable prosthetics, but don’t require a pump and fluid reservoir.

Ultimately, doctors hope to develop this technology into a better device that will require simpler surgery and will provide men a better experience.

But it will probably be five to 10 years before it’s on the market.