Can the “squeeze method” really help me to last longer in bed if I have premature ejaculation?

For men afflicted with premature ejaculation, managing to squeeze in a couple more seconds to your lovemaking can be a real struggle. While no man wants their sexual encounter to be over in a matter of seconds, premature ejaculation makes it almost impossible for a man to last between the sheets. And while many men have resigned themselves to their one-and-done sex life, there are plenty of men with premature ejaculation looking for a solution. And for many of these men, the term “squeeze method” keeps getting tossed around. But can the squeeze method really help men with premature ejaculation last longer in bed?

How the squeeze method works is simple: During sex, when you feel yourself reaching the point of no return, pull out and immediately disengage. Using one hand, lightly squeeze the base of the penis and practice calming breathing. According to experts, this combination of pressure and breathing can help the body to delay an orgasm, allowing a men to collect himself and then get back to work.

So, yes, the squeeze method can prove quite helpful for men with premature ejaculation, but it will take work to use it efficiently. If the squeeze is delivered too early, it won’t make a difference to the orgasm; too late, and it won’t be able to stop the orgasm. With time and practice, you will need to be able to read your body and determine the perfect time to deliver the squeeze.

If you struggle with lasting between the sheets, the squeeze method could be the solution you’re looking for. You may not get it right the first time, but remember, practice makes perfect.

Can having too much sex cause premature ejaculation?

Since time immemorial, man has wondered: Is there such a thing as having too much sex? The very concept of “too much sex” would sound like a good problem to have to most men, but there are plenty of men who experience this very problem. Whether it’s due to a partner with a higher sex drive, or a tendency to perpetually look for new sexual partners, there are men having more sex than they actually feel comfortable having. And, odd as it might sound, this issue of “too much of a good thing” could actually lead to premature ejaculation.

How the brain interprets sex ultimately depends on how a man approaches sex. If a man sees sex as a passionate act of lovemaking and stimulation that should take several hours, the brain can assist the body in lasting longer in bed. But if a man approaches sex as a means to an end for achieving an orgasm, as is often the case for men having “too much sex,” this can cause the brain to interpret sex as a race for pleasure, making it harder for a man to lat between the sheets.

As the brain and body are conditioned to interpret sex as a means of achieving satisfaction, orgasms will come easier, but lasting long during sex will become difficult.

But that’s not to say that having “too much sex” will put a man on a fast track to developing premature ejaculation. Everyone has different sex drives, so what qualifies as “too much sex” varies from person to person. But if you are finding that your constant sexual conquests are making it difficult for you to last in bed, cut down on the sex, work to recondition your body and brain for lasting pleasure instead of a quick orgasm fix, and you should be able to fix your sex life.

Can taking Viagra help with my premature ejaculation?

The little blue pill known as Viagra has transcended medication and become an item of lore; men speak of the drug in hushed tones, telling each other of the apparent miraculous properties of the pill. If you were to believe the idle talk of men gossiping over beers, you would think that Viagra can fix just about any sexual issue, and can make a man last for hours between the sheets. But for men struggling with premature ejaculation, these old wive’s tales are more than just gossip; rather, these rumors fill them with hope. After all, if Viagra can purportedly make a man last for hours in bed, surely it can help a man with premature ejaculation to last longer in bed, right?

Unfortunately, while men may talk as if Viagra is cure-all for all sexual issues, this simply isn’t true. Viagra is simply an erectile aid, meant to be taken before sex to assist the body in achieving an erection in a natural fashion. It won’t instantaneously cause erections, it won’t make you better at sex, and it certainly won’t make you last longer in bed.

It’s true: While the mythical properties of Viagra have become seen as fact by men, the truth is that Viagra is just a means of helping men struggling with erectile dysfunction to achieve an erection. It cannot help with any other sexual issues, including premature ejaculation.

When it comes to premature ejaculation, there is no miracle pill that will make this embarrassing issue go away. Rather, to overcome this problem, you’re going to need to work for it: Work with a medical professional, determine if the root cause is mental or physical, change your diet and lifestyle. It might take some effort, but at least by actively working to overcome the problem you’ll be making progress towards beating your premature ejaculation. If you turn to Viagra to defeat your premature ejaculation, you’re just going to end up disappointed.

What causes premature ejaculation?

For men that pride themselves on their ability to last between the sheets, there might not be a scarier combination of words in the English language: Premature ejaculation. This embarrassing sexual issue can pop up unexpectedly, leaving men that could formerly last hours struggling to last a couple minutes. What’s worse, it can affect men of all ages, races, and creeds, and it doesn’t have any warning signs. So while you might never know when it will hit, many men find themselves wondering: “Well, just what exactly causes premature ejaculation?”

While sexual issues such as erectile dysfunction can often develop due to a litany of physical or mental issues, the root cause of premature ejaculation is a little more straightforward: That is, PE is always mental in nature.

It’s true: There isn’t a physical ailment that can cause men to struggle to last in bed. Rather, premature ejaculation is brought on by mental hang-ups.

But what mental hang-ups are causing the PE can definitely vary. Be it depression, guilt, or anxiety, there are a variety of feelings that can cause premature ejaculation to develop.

While developing sexual issues thanks to your feelings might be embarrassing, there is a trade-off: Sine PE is always mental in nature, this makes it easier to overcome.

By working with a mental health professional, you can work to determine the root cause of your ejaculation woes. By determining the feelings that are causing your sexual issues, you can work out how to confront and overcome these feelings.

With work, dedication, and lots of patience, you can beat this mental stumbling block, and get your sex life back on track.

Can tight underwear cause premature ejaculation?

There are two kinds of men in life: Those that swear by boxers, and those that swear by underwear. Men are fiercely loyal to what they put on under their pants, and the difference between the two has sparked many a drunken debate between men over which is better. Sure, boxers are looser and less constricting, but underwear keeps everything situated. While the debate over the superior underwear rages, another underwear conversation refuses to be settled; namely, does wearing tight underwear cause premature ejaculation?

The story goes that men that wear tight underoos are at a higher chance of developing premature ejaculation, while men in boxers stand less of a chance of developing the embarrassing problem thanks to the relaxed fit of their underwear. But this has led to intense debate over the validity of this old wives’ tale; after all, how could tight underwear affect your sexual performance?

Well, it’s time to settle this debate once and for all. To be clear, wearing tight underwear will not put a man at a higher risk of developing premature ejaculation. But that’s not to say that tight underwear can’t affect a man’s sexual performance in other ways.

It has been found that tight underwear can cause infertility, due to the underwear consistently pulling the testicles too close to the body, which causes the heat of the body to slowly “cook” the sperm in the testicles. Testicles are meant to hang away from the body, so constant closeness to the body will have an adverse effect on a man’s sperm count. If a man goes years and years rocking tighty whities, eventually his sperm count could pay the price.

So no, tight underwear will not affect your ability to last in bed. But it just might affect your ability to produce children. As such, either wear less constricting underwear, or make the switch to boxers, and your sperm count should be just fine.

Can tight underwear cause premature ejaculation?

There are two kinds of men in life: Those that swear by boxers, and those that swear by underwear. Men are fiercely loyal to what they put on under their pants, and the difference between the two has sparked many a drunken debate between men over which is better. Sure, boxers are looser and less constricting, but underwear keeps everything situated. While the debate over the superior underwear rages, another underwear conversation refuses to be settled; namely, does wearing tight underwear cause premature ejaculation?

The story goes that men that wear tight underoos are at a higher chance of developing premature ejaculation, while men in boxers stand less of a chance of developing the embarrassing problem thanks to the relaxed fit of their underwear. But this has led to intense debate over the validity of this old wives’ tale; after all, how could tight underwear affect your sexual performance?

Well, it’s time to settle this debate once and for all. To be clear, wearing tight underwear will not put a man at a higher risk of developing premature ejaculation. But that’s not to say that tight underwear can’t affect a man’s sexual performance in other ways.

It has been found that tight underwear can cause infertility, due to the underwear consistently pulling the testicles too close to the body, which causes the heat of the body to slowly “cook” the sperm in the testicles. Testicles are meant to hang away from the body, so constant closeness to the body will have an adverse effect on a man’s sperm count. If a man goes years and years rocking tighty whities, eventually his sperm count could pay the price.

So no, tight underwear will not affect your ability to last in bed. But it just might affect your ability to produce children. As such, either wear less constricting underwear, or make the switch to boxers, and your sperm count should be just fine.

I struggle with controlling my bladder. Lately, I’ve also had problems with premature ejaculation. Could these two issues be related?

Imagine the body as a giant, complex machine. Much like a machine, the body is made up of thousands of tiny parts, each tasked with a job that helps the bigger picture. But, much like a machine, should one small part in the body experience issues, it can lead to larger problems. If a cog were to falter, this could lead to a grandfather clock becoming unable to toll it’s bell; in the same way, if your urethra begins to experience issues, it can lead to bigger problems down the line.

Incontinence, or the involuntary leakage of urine, is an issue commonly associated with older men, but it actually affects men of all ages. While many mark incontinence as an issue that develops with aging, the truth is that urinary leakage is not a result of getting a little grayer; rather, it all boils down to the urethra.

The urethra regulates all output related to the penis. In simple terms, think of the urethra as the doorman of the penis. When needed, it will open the doors and let whatever needs to go out go out. But if the urethra experiences issues, it will begin to struggle to keep things in; instead, it will begin to just let everything out, regardless of the timing. This leads to urine being released at inopportune times, but it can also lead to premature ejaculation.

The urethra also plays a vital part in the ejaculation process. When needed, the urethra will utilize a set of muscles to pump semen out, thus allowing the erection to meet its needs. But when the urethra is having issues, the urethra will often pump semen early, much in the same way as urine.

So, yes, if you struggle with incontinence, the chances of developing premature ejaculation are high. Like a machine, one problem can often lead to other problems; that is, unless that first problem is fixed. So if you struggle with incontinence, work with your doctor to overcome this issue, before premature ejaculation becomes a serious issue.

Can thinking about sex too frequently lead to premature ejaculation?

A famous bowler once said “If you will it, it is no dream, dude.” Using this rationale, most men spend every waking moment thinking about sex, hoping to will sex into their lives by having the act of knocking boots on the brain. The truth is that all men think about sex, but some tend to take it to the extreme. After all, devoting all that brainpower to thinking about hopping into bed can’t possibly be good for a man, right? But on the other hand, thinking about something you enjoy is totally normal, so concentrating on sex might be healthy, right? So does thinking frequently about sex put a man at a higher risk of developing premature ejaculation?

Short answer: Yes. Long answer: Yes, but probably not for the reason you think.

You see, while sex is innately physical in nature, it is also a decidedly cerebral activity. After all, for everything to work properly your brain has to send the right signals at the right time. If your mind is unclouded, the right signals are sent, everything works as you should, and both partners can get down to the task at hand.

But if the brain is preoccupied, things can get a little problematic. If a man opts to focus on other things during sex, such as stress at work or money issues, the brain might essentially prioritize these thoughts, leading to signals for the erection to get to work to get lost in the shuffle.

The same principal applies to sexual thoughts, but in reverse. If the brain devotes so much time to thinking about sex that it becomes all-consuming, sex can prove to be too much for the brain, causing your grey matter to send the signals downstairs for an orgasm quickly. As the brain associates sex with excitement, it reacts by pushing the man to pleasure quickly, similar to masturbation.

So, yes, having sex on the brain can contribute to issues in the bedroom. It can be hard to control your thoughts, but try not to have carnal pleasures on your mind all the time. Instead of thinking about sex, just enjoy the sex when it comes.

I haven’t had sex in a while. Am I more likely to struggle with premature ejaculation the next time I engage in intercourse?

Men often find themselves wondering just how often they should be having sex. Sure, this sounds silly, as sex is meant to be a fun, personal activity that happens when it happens, but many men see sex as a milestone meant to be achieved as frequently as possible. But for other men, sex doesn’t happen as often. No more your approach to sexual activity, it’s important to remember there is no “normal” when it comes to hopping between the sheets; how often, or how little, a man has sex is his business. But for men that don’t engage in sex quite as often, a very real threat can loom over the activity: The possibility of premature ejaculation.

“After all,” these men reason, “My body isn’t as used to sexual feelings, so I will likely reach orgasm faster next time I have sex.” But this isn’t necessarily true. A man can go years without engaging in sex, and can still have no problem lasting as long as necessary in the bedroom. When it comes to reengaging in sexual activity, especially after a lull, it’s important to remember one thing: It’s all in your head.

Oftentimes, men that haven’t had sex in a while will get so excited over the prospect of sex that it causes them to reach orgasm quickly. If a man constantly encounters this problem, it can spiral into a mental hang-up, as the man becomes convinced he is dealing with premature ejaculation, thus leading to the development of premature ejaculation.

So when it comes time to get intimate, take a deep breathe, center your mind, and focus on the task at hand, rather on the excitement of the task at hand. Focus on pleasing your partner, but don’t focus so intently that the thought of sexual pleasure becomes all-consuming. Focus your mind, take your time, and just be in the moment.

It might sound difficult, but it’s all about finding the right degree of focus in your mind. When you reach this Zen-like state, sex, no matter how exciting, will not cause you to reach your breaking point too soon. But if you come into a new sexual encounter all worked out, an early finish and disappointment is the only thing that lies in your future.

Can thinking about non-sexual things really delay my premature ejaculation orgasm?

In basically every sex comedy movie released since 1962, there always seems to be a scene where one of our plucky heroes finally hops into bed with a beautiful woman. All is well until our protagonist feels the point of no return coming on, leading to an internal monologue about how the protagonist needs to think about baseball, his grandmother, and Dick Cheney naked on a cold day. It’s a tried and true joke, but is it possibly based in reality? For men that struggle with reaching orgasm too quickly, the concept of using the mind to delay orgasm certainly is appealing. So while it might work in American Pie, can real men actually think non-sexual thoughts to delay orgasm?

Research has found that most men will reach orgasm within 3-4 minutes of penetration. For men that suffer from premature ejaculation, the moment of truth tends to arrive much faster, be it in a matter of seconds or after a minute. For men that struggle to last between the sheets, no solution or stop-gap is too crazy to explore in an effort to last just a little bit longer. But one of the easiest ways to prolong intercourse is actually entirely mental.

Yes, thinking non-sexy thoughts really can help a man to last longer in bed, but only to a point. If a man tries to turn his thoughts to abstract ideas when orgasm is already imminent, it will be too late. But used as a method to come back from the brink, it can be quite efficient. It works like this: When you feel yourself getting too excited, turn your mind elsewhere. Pick a subject that isn’t sexual, but don’t pick something that could cause you to lose your arousal entirely. Focus on the subject of your choice intently for 5-10 seconds, and then resume thinking about intercourse.

5-10 seconds may not seem like much, but it will give your body and brain a nice little “breather” that should help you to last longer in bed. Once mastered, a man can use this little tactic to bring himself back from the point of no return several times, allowing the bedroom tryst to go for as long as you want. So while it might have seen funny in all those 80’s sex comedies, this technique is no laughing matter.