How can I last longer in bed if I have premature ejaculation?

Premature ejaculation can take a fun, wild romp in between the sheets and turn it into an embarrassing, disappointing confidence destroyer. Nothing is more emasculating than not being able to last in the bedroom, and it can turn a once thriving sex life into a sexless wasteland. It can also lead to feelings of resentment in your partner, with doubts about relationship longevity or sexual compatibility bubbling up.

That’s why it’s important to find a way to keep your premature ejaculation under control. Just because you finish quicker than you used to doesn’t mean your sex life should be dead. In fact, if approached in the correct way, premature ejaculation can lead to longer, more satisfying sex for both you and your partner.

Here are some solutions to implement in your sex life to help you to last longer:

Get it out of your system: If you know sex is coming, take care of yourself to ensure that you won’t be in a rush to reach orgasm while you knock boots. Masturbating a couple hours before sex will numb your penis, making it harder to finish quickly.

Stop and go: If you feel yourself approaching orgasm during sex, call for a time out. Take a brief breather and wait for the feeling to subside. When you feel as though you can resume, get back to business. You can repeat this technique several times during sex, ensuring that you can keep going for quite awhile.

Give it a squeeze: Like the stop and go technique, the squeezing method requires you to go until you feel an impending orgasm. When this feeling bubbles up, disengage and squeeze the head or base of the penis. This will disrupt the flow of blood to the penis and will quell the sexual excitement that leads to ejaculation. Once the orgasm feeling has subsided, you’ll be good to go again.

Can too much porn cause premature ejaculation?

With the internet, porn is almost unavoidable. Always lurking just a few clicks away, it’s become incredibly easy to find whatever you want, whenever you want it. There is absolutely nothing wrong with firing up an adult site every so often and blowing off some steam, but could an overdependence on these sites lead to issues downstairs?

Yes, excessive porn consumption can in fact lead to problems in the bedroom. But it’s not your penis to blame. In fact, enjoying porn too frequently can lead to wires crisscrossing in your brain.

Research has found that an overreliance on pornography can lead to your brain getting turned around in regards to sexual activity. You see, when you enjoy porn, you’re typically rushing through the activity; focus is put on instant gratification instead of prolonged pleasure.

When your brain begins to associate sexual activity with completion, you’ll struggle to last in bed. Your brain sees sex as a race to completion, and will push you to finish quickly.

That’s not to suggest porn needs to be cut out of your life completely to save yourself from premature ejaculation. No, porn can be a good outlet for sexual desires, but like all things in life it’s best in moderation.

Could my partner’s premature ejaculation mean he’s no longer attracted to me?

There was a time when your bedroom romps involved multiple steps, plenty of giggling, and passion. You felt as though you really could explore each other in the bedroom, and that it ultimately brought you closer together as a couple.

But as of late, it almost feels as though your partner is sticking to a script. No foreplay, little kissing, in and out, and all done. What used to take an hour now takes minutes. It’s made one of your favorite activities downright boring. Could this be a sign that your partner is losing interest in you?

Not quite. If your partner is struggling with premature ejaculation, do not take it as a personal affront.

Often times when a man is afflicted with premature ejaculation, he may try to find a way to hide the problem. His “straight to business” approach in the sheets isn’t because he’s no longer attracted to you; it’s simply to get it over with and hide his embarrassing problem.

Premature ejaculation is a deeply personal issue for a man, and can lead to feelings of worthlessness and inadequacy. When you’re robbed of being able to pleasure your partner, it can be embarrassing.

So if you find your partner is rushing through sex, talk to him about his problem. Don’t point fingers, and be open to conversation. Let your partner know that he’s not alone, and that you can address this problem as a team.

There are plenty of workarounds to this problem, and a doctor could help you to get to the root of the issue. Your partner is going to need you during this difficult time. Be strong together and, after a while, your sex life should be back to normal.

Is premature ejaculation more common among circumcised men?

The act of circumcision is ancient, and is seen as an incredibly important part of being a man. While a large portion of the world does not practice circumcision, it’s still incredibly common in the western world. While there are pros and cons for circumcision, one of the most prevalent myths concerning circumcision is that it can heighten a man’s chances of premature ejaculation.

This is due to the fact that circumcision removes the foreskin, which exposes the sensitive shaft and glans on the penis. With these areas exposed, it is said that sexual activity will gradually lead to a reduction in penis sensitivity. After enough sexual activity, your penis will be ready to blow at a touch, leading to premature ejaculation.

While this rumor has subsisted for almost as long as circumcision has been commonplace, numerous studies have not found any connection between circumcision and premature ejaculation. In fact, a study of premature ejaculation and circumcision conducted at the Department of Urology at Medway Maritime Hospital in Gillingham found that time to ejaculation was the same between circumcised men and uncircumcised men.

Scientists have also examined the rates of premature ejaculation between parts of the world where circumcision is commonplace against uncircumcised parts of the world, and it was found that there were no real differences between the numbers.

So the rumor of premature ejaculation for circumcised men is just idle chatter, with absolutely no medical basis. Whether you’re pro or anti foreskin, your chances of premature ejaculation are exactly the same.

How can I help my partner deal with his premature ejaculation?

When your lovemaking sessions go for hour-long workouts to over within seconds, it can be frustrating. This sudden absence of physicality can put a strain on any relationship, and feelings of resentment can begin to grow. But if your partner is dealing with premature ejaculation, it’s important to remember that this isn’t a time to point fingers. Premature ejaculation is deeply embarrassing, and can lead a man to question his very manhood. Put aside the “he said, she said” and help your partner to get through this problem.

The first thing to do is remind your partner that you are in this together. The man may feel as though this is a personal problem that must be overcome on his own, but relationships are all about having each other’s backs.

Next, don’t give up on sex. While it may feel like sex is difficult when a partner is suffering from premature ejaculation, there are plenty of workarounds that can help him to last longer. Do some research and find a method that works. If you cut out sex entirely, the feelings of frustration will simply get worse. Treat premature ejaculation is a problem that can be beaten.

It is also important to remind your partner that not all pleasure is tied to sex. Find a way to connect with your partner that isn’t sexual, such as a massage. It’s important to establish that you still want to be intimate with your partner, but there are plenty of other ways to establish a connection that aren’t sexual.

Ultimately, just be there for him. Work together to find a solution to his problem, don’t drop sex, and establish a connection. Premature ejaculation can be a difficult problem for a man, and it’s important for him to know that he’s got someone helping him through it.

Can excessive masturbation lead to premature ejaculation?

We’ve all heard the old wives tales about masturbation before. Do it too much and you’ll grow hair on your palms. Or maybe you’ll go blind. Or maybe your penis will stop working. Obviously, none of those rumors are in the least bit true. But that’s not to say that excessive masturbation can’t lead to issues. In fact, an overreliance on masturbation could very well lead to problems in the bedroom.

No, masturbating won’t cause you to develop erectile dysfunction or anything medically severe like that. But masturbating too much can affect your ability to last in the bedroom.

This is because masturbation can put emphasis on achieving orgasm. If you rush to reach orgasm when masturbating, this can translate to crossed wires upstairs. You see, this “race to the finish” mentality when masturbating will lead to your body and brain associating anything sexual with a quick orgasm. So when it comes time to get down to business between the sheets, your brain will remember that you want to finish quickly, leading to your tryst ending quickly.

Normal masturbation is in no way harmful to your ability to last during sex, but how you masturbate is what matters. If you find that your masturbation is causing you to finish quickly in the bedroom, adjust your masturbation habits. Make it enjoyable instead of a mad dash for the finish.

When you’re able to pace yourself while masturbating, you should see this translate into intercourse. Just take your time, enjoy yourself, and remind yourself that it’s about the journey, not the destination.

Can premature ejaculation affect my testosterone levels?

Back in your glory days, your bedroom trysts seemed to last for hours, becoming a blur of fun and satisfaction. But as of late, your time between the sheets seems to be… shorter. You can’t put your finger on it, but something is causing you to reach your breaking point quickly. That results in a disappointed you, a disappointed partner, and stress galore.

So you might have premature ejaculation, you think. You recall a friend at the gym telling you that premature ejaculation can lead to your testosterone levels plummeting. When your testosterone takes dip, he’d say, it’s all over. You won’t want to have sex anymore, your beard will fall out, and you’ll lose your muscles.

But don’t let this idle talk get to you. While you’re sure you’ve seen a beard hair or two fall out, it’s all in your head.

The simple fact is: Premature ejaculation does not cause lowered testosterone levels.

If you’re struggling with premature ejaculation, you won’t have to worry about insult being added to injury. Studies have found no connection between premature ejaculation and testosterone levels, so worry not.

That’s not to say that premature ejaculation isn’t worrisome. If you suddenly find it difficult to last in the bedroom, talk with a doctor. Together, you can figure out the cause of this issue, be it physical or psychological, and devise a way to overcome it.

But if you finish a little quicker in the sheets, at least you’ll know your beard isn’t going anywhere.

How can I last longer in bed when I have premature ejaculation?

When you find yourself suddenly unable to last very long in bed, it can be deeply embarrassing. Premature ejaculation can feel like an unbeatable affliction, but the truth is quite the opposite. With healthy living, consultation with a doctor or a mental health expert, and resilience, you can overcome this problem.

But what do you do in the interim? Sure, you’re making all the changes you need to make, but it’s not like your premature ejaculation is going to disappear overnight.

While you work to get rid of your premature ejaculation once and for all, here are some handy methods to help you last a little longer in bed. These aren’t permanent solutions, but they can help.

Stop and Go: The Stop and Go technique will not only help you to stop from finishing too early, it may also add an exciting spark to your love life. It works like this: When you or your partner feels an orgasm approaching, stop cold turkey. Disengage, step back, and catch your breath. Your body will come back from the orgasm precipice, and after taking a moment or two to collect yourself, you’ll be ready to go again.

Squeeze Technique: The squeeze technique can be a little more hit or miss than the Stop and Go, but it’s a method worth trying. When you feel like you’re about to reach your peak, squeeze the head or the base of the penis. This pressure will disrupt your excitement, and will prevent ejaculation. It can be difficult to time your squeezing perfectly, but you’ll get better at it with time.

Can tight underwear cause premature ejaculation?

You’ve heard the rumor before, and the logic seems sound, but you can’t decide if it’s true or if someone was simply pulling your leg. You’ve heard it from close friends, distant friends, cousins, enemies; everyone tells you to avoid tighty whitey underwear like your life depends on it, or, at the very least, your ability to last in the bedroom.

The legend is this: When you wear tight underwear, it draws your testicles up closer to the body. There, the testicles are warmed by the natural heat of the body. If you wear tight underwear for years and years, the logic goes, you’ll basically cook your testicles. This will cause your sperm count to get all wonky, which will translate to you finishing quicker during sex.

While this rumor isn’t entirely true, there are some nuggets of truth in it.

Yes, tight underwear can affect your testicles. Yes, the heat of your body can lead to complications with your testicles. But it won’t affect how you long you can do the deed. Instead, this warmth can lead to a lowered sperm count. As time goes on, your body’s heat will warm the testicles, which leads to sperm death. If you opt to wear underoos for years and years, it could eventually lead to infertility.

So while your ability to perform in the bedroom will be safe if you wear tight underwear, the same can’t be said for your sperm count. Do yourself a favor and switch up to boxers.

How can I last longer when I have premature ejaculation?

When it comes time for you and your partner to hop between the sheets, there is nothing worse than reaching your peak quicker than you were hoping to. For men who suffer from premature ejaculation, it can feel as if you no longer have control over how long you last during sex. While you used to be able to last for long periods of time, lately you’re finding that you’re tapping out after a couple pumps.

But worry not. Premature ejaculation is incredibly common, and there are a litany of workarounds for it. Below are some of the most common solutions for premature ejaculation.

Use a condom: While many men balk at using a condom, the simple fact is that this little rubber contraption can legitimately help you to last longer in the bedroom. Condoms put a barrier between the penis and the vagina, which reduces sensation in the penis. When sensation in the penis is reduce, you won’t have to worry about overstimulation, which translates into you lasting longer.

Kegel exercises: Research has found that kegel exercises can do wonders for men who suffer from erectile dysfunction or urinary incontinence, but it can also help with premature ejaculation. This is because kegel exercises strengthen your pelvic muscles, which allows for greater control downstairs. After toning up with kegel exercises, you’ll be able to reach your peak and reel it back in, all with pelvic control.

Masturbate: A temporary solution, but a solution all the same. Masturbating before sex will lead to the penis being less sensitive, which in turn can translate into you lasting longer in the sheets. By masturbating before getting down to business, you’ll ensure that your penis isn’t in any rush to climax, allowing you more time to enjoy the sex.