Erectile dysfunction is a tricky thing. While many health ailments affect the body in uniform ways, erectile dysfunction isn’t quite the same. It can be caused by physical issues, or by mental hang-ups. It can be temporary, or it can be permanent. And it can strike at the worst times. If you consistently struggle to achieve an erection during intercourse, it can be easy to classify your problem as erectile dysfunction. But what if you can achieve an erection perfectly fine elsewise? What if erections aren’t a problem when masturbating, but are solely problematic during sex? Does this still count as erectile dysfunction?

Well, like stated earlier, ED is a tricky thing. It can rear its ugly head in a variety of ways, and those ways differ greatly. For instance, if erections are impossible during both intercourse and masturbation, odds are good that your erectile woes may steam from a physical issue, i.e., artery build-up, heart issues, etc.

However, if you cannot achieve an erection during sex, but you find you have no issues achieving an erection during masturbation, this indicates that your ED may be mental in nature.

The brain is a powerful thing, and it can hold sway over your body even when you don’t realize it. So if you have unaddressed sexual hang-ups, such as first-time nerves or jitters about fetishes, it can translate into the brain blocking the signals necessary for achieving an erection, translating into missed erections.

So, yes, if you struggle with erections during sex but can achieve an erection just fine alone, you do still suffer from erectile dysfunction, albeit a form of ED that is mental in nature. Speak to your doctor or mental health professional to work out ways to overcome this issue and get your sex life back on track.